Home Sweet Home. My Actifit Report Card: March 29 2024

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Well, I'm back home. I'm back to the regular routine. Back the a place where things aren't "tourist priced".

    After a really long day yesterday I slept but not as long as I expected. Just over 7 hours but I suppose that is enough.

    Then it was time for the regular routine.

    • Read my Bible when I wake up
    • Do my stretches so I don't seize up during the day.
    • Do some calesthenics so I can maintain my strength
    • Take the dog for his morning walk.

    On the good side of things I found signs that spring is almost here.

    But there are still a lot of leafless trees out there. Guess spring isn't quite here yet.

    As for Nico he seemed happy to be back on his normal walks. Yes, he did get exercise when we were away as we had his uncle dog sit him for those two weeks. Still, he seemed very happy to start sniffing telephone poles to see if there are any squirrels hiding inside.

    The morning was pretty gray and it felt like rain--a few drops came but not that much really. As the day progressed it got much nicer until it was actually quite nice when Nico got to go for his evening walk.

    As for the rest of the day?

    Make a Hive post.

    Pay the credit card bills to catch up from vacation overspending

    Tidy the house, Go get some groceries to replenish food at home, unpack the suitcase, basically just puttering around the house.

    Overall not a bad day,

    But I work tomorrow.

    Ugh...returning to work after two weeks off.

    That's going to suck

    But for today focus on enjoying being back home.

    Thanks for dropping by.

    Until tomorrow :)
    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

    Daily Activity, Walking

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