New Ranked System of Splinterlands Will Implemented, What Major Change !

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Salinan dari Weekly Battle Challenge (1).jpg

    Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog on Splinterlands Social Media Challenge's Session. It's been a while since i post the challenge.. Today I would like to tell you about the ranked battle overhaul that will implemented soon and why I think it's having a major impact on the game !


    Splinterlands Ranked Battle Overhaul

    Full information are posted by splinterlands official account in here , but let me give you some important point from it :
    #1. We are no longer able to stay on a league and not advancing just like the old system, so whenever you pass the rating, you will jumped on higher league !
    #2. No more leaderboard except for champions league ! This is a complement of the first change as the dev trying to push people from their comfort zone, and keep upgrading.
    #3. No more splitting pool for each bronze, silver, gold, diamond, and champions league. Once again, the dev trying to push people to go further !
    #4. No more card limitation ! This is the biggest news for me, as everyone could bring a super power card since the lower league ! So yeah, people might want to get some OP cards to carry them, because there is no more level restriction!
    #5. Matchmaking no longer limited to current league. Yap, we will more familiar with rating, rather than league now !


    Push People To Develop Their Deck

    With all those changes, the dev are seriously taking action with this regulation to push people from taking advantage of staying on lower league and stop the development of their deck. Now people are need to upgrade their deck to compete and earn worth reward by getting on higher rate. I think this is a bold and clever way from the devs, by taking of the pool from low league and mix it all, and no longer leaderboard on low level, there is no more incentive to stay at low league.


    Demand for New System

    With no longer incentive for lower league, and no limitation for cards, I think people will trying to rent high level cards that could carry them on the battlefield. Powerfull and flexible cards might be the best option, and most of them are on the rebellion series (with 2 element cards). I think this is interesting, let see what will happen on the next few weeks, but i bet the summoner might having price pumped due to no limitation, so people could get few summoner to bring all high level cards !



    New ranked battle system overhaul will bring major impact on the game, that will push people to go further because there is no more incentive of playing on lower league.


    Final Words

    Thank you for kindly read my post, i hope you enjoyed this post. Do you agree with me or having other point of view ? Please let me know by put it on comment section! If you haven't play #Splinterland (the greatest battle card game), you can start join this #Play2Earn game using

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    Note : This is Not a Financial Advice and I'm Not an Advisor

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