Spring Cleanup in the Gardens - by Sunscape

in voilk •  4 months ago


    We have had three wonderful days of sunshine and warm temperatures here in western, N.Y. It seemed like the perfect time to clean up some of the leaves from all the garden beds.

    I found this pretty crocus bloom next to one of my trellises. Then after raking away some of the leaves, I found that my garlic, tulips, and daffodils were already emerging as well.


    The area where I grow my vegetables didn't need much tidying up so I decided to put my PVC hoops onto two of the raised beds. In another week I will cover them with plastic to warm up the soil and then I can plant my onion seedlings in them. I caught a shadow of myself taking the photos, lol.



    With the beds all prepped for planting it was time to
    move onto the butterfly garden in the back yard.


    The hellebores were already beginning to bloom so I trimmed the old leaves off the plants and removed the fallen leaves too.


    It probably only took me 15 minutes to clean up any debris from the winter and pull out some weeds that I discovered. While I was working on it my faithful companion, Mika was assisting by digging nice little holes throughout the garden.

    Thus, it was time to put up the fencing around it to protect the young perennial plants that were starting to grow.


    It looks so tidy now and another garden is ready for planting when my seedlings can handle being planted out from the greenhouse.


    Mika was trying to figure out what was going on and why she could no longer get into the garden. She went around the entire fence like a final inspector, which I found too funny.


    After a full morning working on cleanup, it was time for a nice break. We sat together on the back porch to enjoy the warm spring day. I got to enjoy watching the birds flying about claiming their birdhouses for the season while she took a little snooze in my lap.

    Tomorrow is supposed to be another nice day so I will continue working my way around my home, as I have many gardens yet to clean up. Have a wonderful week everyone.

    Until next time, this is Sunscape
    Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

    3- sun smile.jpg

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