How the schooling has been changed

in voilk •  4 months ago

    The school era is the period of our lives which we miss in our stages of life even. It is the era though which is based on dependence, a disciplined life, and following a routine of getting directions from parents and teachers but same time it is the life that is tension-free. You don't have to worry. Your life is all about studying, playing, and sleeping.
    The student life generally consists of primary and middle education. With the progressing world, a lot has changed in schools as well. The methodology of teaching has been digitized these days.

    When I was in school, the world was not that digitized. The schooling methodology was also simple and was focused mainly on books, lectures, and manufacturing short notes. I remember I used to write my notes very vigilantly for hours because these were checked by the teacher often. There was no YouTube, there were no online classes, and mobile phones as well to connect with teachers to get assist from them. All was that what you learned in class.

    But there is something that I have noticed was abundant in my time but is lacking now. It is working on the morals and values of students. Yes, today a lot of teaching tools have been discovered which are making it easy for students to learn new academic things. But life is not about academics. There is no purpose to have a doctorate in any subject if you don’t know how to live in society, how to behave with people,how to respect societal norms, and how to spread positivity instead of dispersing negativity.

    Today’s kids are experts in knowing and learning mathematics formulas and fluent in English speaking but they have no idea about the word “Respect”. When I was in school, I clearly remember that my teachers used to pay much attention to our moral upbringing. They taught us religion as well. They taught us religion which was something more than worship and was surrounding the different aspects of society.

    I think that today the schools are hiring tutors who are working hard on academic purposes instead pf teachers who will work on their personalities. In this sense, I will regard myself as very lucky that I was taught by some great teachers who influenced me a lot in developing my personality. The schools these days are un number and grade race to attract more community towards them. They lure the people by showing luxurious buildings and sky-high marks of some shining students. They work on them for obtaining marks as well but they totally ignore developing their morals and values. They teach them how to score and how to earn much. But they don’t give them lessons of gallantry, bravery, nobility, and etiquette.

    What does this generation has that I didn’t?

    Well, today's kids are also lucky in many ways. There are a lot of schools in the market now due to which competition has developed between them. This competition is becoming good for students because now they concentrate much on their raw materials to convert into exportable products. They work on the skills of students and provide them with a very friendly atmosphere unlike us who had grown through a strict student life.

    Today they have electronic gadgets due to which learning has become very easy for them. They can now have online classes, and they can access online courses and YouTube to add to their skills and knowledge.

    I have an ambition of developing such a school that focuses on the personality of student more than their marks. I want to introduce such an educational system that will obliterate cramming and rote learning. Students will be assessed based on their knowledge and concepts rather than their marks obtained by cramming books and notes. The personality of students will be groomed. They will be provided with opportunities that will increase their exposure and decrease hesitation inside them.

    This is my entry for #hl-exclusive and #hl-w106e2.

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