in voilk •  5 months ago

    There is something in the air, drawing me in. I cannot touch it, I cannot see it, but I can smell it. Its presence fills my nostrils with such pure delight that, it goes straight into my head. My stomach churns, then I realized I was hungry, the aroma in the air sent me straight to the kitchen, and, the sight of food sent me to the moon and back. Absolutely electric! ~happiness

    "Hey!, I got my bank alert, the money is in" ~happiness
    "I passed my exams, I passed my driving test, I got the visa!, my daddy is healed,. The baby said his first word." ~ happiness

    "Tina I'm getting married, Max proposed". Bro, Gina said yes to me, she's officially my girlfriend". "I own a house, I bought my first car".

    Wait, tomorrow is a Holliday!!!~ happiness

    Meaning of the scenarios above
    The above represents a series of unrelated events with the same end result. ~happiness.
    Happiness is something abstract which can only be felt depending on a-never -ending series of factors. It could be found in the most simplest, the most basic, as well as complex matters.

    Happiness has no destination
    The world we live in is made up of elements that do not present an easy flow in life. Life itself is not represented in a one - path route. There are the ups, there are the downs, the bitter-sweet, the tears and the laughter, failures, success; the list goes on and on.

    Let's quickly take a detour into the the current economic status which tends to be causing unexplained headaches in the process , and has become a common trigger for stress and anxiety.
    Then there are the occurrences that are faced by individuals in their private lives: it could be financial crisis, health issues, unemployment, family unrest and a lot more to mention.

    All of these, are factors that cloaks our positivity and drain our emotions. Spoiler alert, life will never be easy but, you can make it simple for you, in your own terms, by seeing happiness in simple things all around you.

    For a person to be happy, one needs to understand that happiness is a state of mind. Being less-hard on yourself will make you see that there is happiness in most things around us.

    Aside instances where you get the sudden rush of excitement for an accomplishment, the rest of the time you have to choose to be happy. Be satisfied, be delighted and be content with yourself to experience happiness.
    Work on things you can improve upon but regardless of whether you got there or didn't reach where you wanted to be,stay happy.

    Hellen Keller once said" I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet". Your status might be better than some, find happiness in yourself regardless of where you are.

    ***Happiness is not a destination, it is the satisfaction you feel within yourself, happiness is everywhere.****

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