"Happy Halloweeen!" ...
... is what the Splinterlands team said to us this week with a flurry of in-game easter eggs! All of them of course, with a Halloween theme. On this week's special HALLOWEEN WEN ANIMATED SHORT, Ivy and Jonah take you through the best of these special alt skins and pick their favorite!
The reward chests show up live by the way, and have a little debate about which one of them is the best. Minor, Major or Ultimate: Wh is your favorite?! We may have even been able to navigate a few, um copyright issues I guess, to sample some SMASHING PUMPKINS and let Kelya "ELPHABA" Frendul defy a little gravity.
P.S. - In addition, we here at Wen animation (or really just me @star-shroud) I just wanted to say, to take this opportunity, I guess, to make a quick comment on the reaction to the team's Halloween update. Of course, the overall community reaction was positive, as it should have been. But there were also some comments in tavern an other places questioning the value of these Halloween updates, when assumedly "more important" things should have been being worked on by the team. Let me just say for the record, I strongly disagree with that opinion.
Sometimes a diversion is exactly what everyone needs. Devs and players both. Not only that, but I'll tell you the real value of those skins--those skins are objective, undeniable proof that our dev team is not only still there, not only surviving, but they're still actually with us, if that makes sense. They still care about us. You don't do fun suprises like this otherwise. They're still innovating (first ever suprise holiday alt skins!) and they're moving the ball forward, slowly but surely nonetheless.
To me, this kind of fun, side-diversion, suprise update, was SO perfect. Just further proof that this is the game ... this is the team ... and this is the time. Mute the haters and know that this update was exactly the jet fuel the community needed to start this holiday season. Thanks and I hope everyone has a good Halloween! Smash a pumpkin or two in honor of the devs 💪