I asked my husband if it is okay to get few buko fruits and He gladly responsed with Yes. After that, we decided to went at the field just to looked for any buko fruits. Together with my Husband, My Daughter and My Brother, we walked a few meters away. It is wonderful to explored the place specially every early in the Morning, the place was very peaceful, quite and very cold and it feel very refreshing and relaxing.
Bringing my Daughter's toy bike, she was having a lot of fun time riding on her bikes while me and my Brother was kept busy pushing the small bikes were my Daughter was riding. This rocky road trail is perfect to practice biking because there are no different kinds of vehicles passing by and it is not a crowded place. It takes a few minutes of walking in this rocky road trail while my Husband was kept searching for a coconut tree were lots of buko fruits can get.
Finally we stopped here in this coconut tree near at my Husband's neighbors house. I also very happy that I can eat lots of buko and drink buko juice that good to the body. My brother voulontarily climbed up the coconut tree, well my brother is very expert to climb up coconut trees and this is what He doing everytime when we harvested lots of coconuts. Some of the structures here are totally abandoned and it will be okay to dropped those fruits at the top of the structure.
Gladly, we got 8 pieces of buko fruits and this will be perfect for snacks and desert. It takes a few minutes of gathering those fruits in one place while my Brother was slowly climbed down from the coconut tree. We gathered it in one place so it will become very easy to get and carried home. Some of the buko fruits are having cracks were the juices already spilled out to the ground, but the meat are still can be eaten.
My Brother was very excited to eat buko fruits that is why He can't wait. He cutted some of the fruits and drink the juices before eating the buko meat. He carefully cut those fruits to avoid spilling those juices to the ground. My Husband and Daughter was also busy exploring the place to see of there are coconuts falled ti the ground.
We also checked our Goats, this will help to see of there are lots of grass on the place were they can eat. Gladly we raised two goats, two Cows and lots of chickens and they lived very well. We decided to tied our goat's ropes here because there are lots of grass they can eat and aside of that, the place is cool and away from intense heat brought by the Sun.
I also gave this delicious Durian fruits, He loves to eat Durian Fruits and luckily I had some of it given from our Generous Neighbor. This big Durian fruit needs to ripe it out and wait for a few days before ready to cut and eat. My Husband don't want to eat Durian for a reason that I is why I gave some to my Brother. My brother spends a day at my Husband's place and I was very thankful for visiting us here. After a few minutes of resting, My brother was decided to went back home and He promised to visit us here by next day.
Spending time with our Family is really and enjoyable and a piece of good memories. Thank you for stopping by, have a nice day to all of us.