LPUD March 15

in voilk •  4 months ago


    I just have 6.85 LEO available for powering up, which is pretty lame. So I decided not to power up anything, from now on, if I do power up it will have to be at least 20 LEO power. I mean my goal is to reach 1,000 LEO by year's end, which is actually a small number but it seems I can't even do that.

    On the other hand it is good to see LEO at the price it is at, it also makes me see how dumb I have been by always procrastinating. You know if I had started trying to save as much LEO as possible my account would now probably be worth thousands of dollars, something which would give me a great feeling. But things are what they are, I just can't concentrate on a few things, i always seem to be deep into dozens of different things and never do well in any of them.

    Still it is good, because at least what I do, i do to try and enjoy myself, and I can tell you sometimes I have felt real good doing things online. well let's see if next LPUD I have 20 LEO to Power up.

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