An Exceptional Talent

in voilk •  3 days ago

    Today I'd like to show you more paintings from the same artist I posted about yesterday, here. To prove my point I was talking about yesterday, it's better not to wait and show you the rest of the beautiful paintings Ioan Alexandru Herdelau exhibited recently.


    In my last post, I mentioned something about the portraits, that is striking. That thing is present here too. Let's see, an you name what it is?

    Ok, you had a minute to think about it and I hope your answer is "the eyes". Maybe we can count the lips here too, as that striking red sure attract the eye, but look at the light in the eyes of the lady. There's a saying in both Hungarian and Romanian, according to which, the eyes are the mirror of the soul and this saying has deep meaning. If you look at the eyes, you can see a lot. Ioan Alexandru Herdelau is a master of showing emotions and not only, through the eyes.


    Some of you may not see much here, just blurred spots, but this is a brilliant painting in my eyes. This proves I like unusual styles and this is definitely one. It's not the kitschy rainy scene you see on so many paintings. The artist decided to minimize everything by blurring the scene, except for the striking red umbrella. The lady is dressed in black and you can't even see her face. This is how you draw attention to what you want. Also, I love how he rule of third is respected here, although I don't know if there's such thing in painting.


    I remember I was standing in front of these two paintings and was playing find the differences between the two. So it was like at the tennis match, looking right, looking left, looking right, looking left and so on. First of all, you can see, both are about shopping. Although none of the ladies have a face, I was able to establish that you see the same lady on both paintings. If you look at her silhouette, I think it's safe to say it's her on both canvases. Now tell me, have you ever seen such a painting? Two shopping scenes depicted in a different way. I love it, I think it's a brilliant idea.


    And here it is a totally different theme, but the style is somewhat similar to some of the portraits you've seen before. It's an old village house, but look at the brush strokes, breaking the lines and creating blurry spots here and there. It's a unique style that changes everything, in better I'd say.


    Another portrait, but a very different style. Just a few colors have been used here and the face is a mystery.


    Do you recognize yourself in this painting? I do :) Kind of. Anyway, the same question applies here. What is the first thing you see here? What's the point that attracts your eyes? For me is the eyes of the lady. Look at the light in her eyes.


    No face, no name, no number. This is the title of a very old song and has nothing to do with the painting, but if you have a closer look, this is a blurry nude, where the model has no face, no name either as she's blurry. I love how this blur ads a lot of mystery to the model. The light purple background was a perfect choice a it emphasizes the models dark cream skin an dark hair.


    As you can see, Ioan Alexandru Herdelau is not focusing only on portraits, most likely he can paint everything, but what's more important is, that he can apply the same style, to whatever he's painting, equally. A male model this time, sitting on a bench and the same technique has been applied here.

    After visiting the exhibition and during writing my posts, I came to realize I love this style more than I thought at first. No clear lines, no clear silhouette and the color combination is just perfect for my taste.

    Looking back, I can consider myself lucky for being able to see these extraordinary exhibitions and for having the chance to learn about this style. Many things are new to me as I'm not an expert in painting, so I'm learning with every occasion.

    Let me know what you think about these paintings.

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