Hangin' on to Thoughts...

in voilk •  5 months ago

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    A few months ago, it was widely publicized across traditional and social media outlets that the current winter was anticipated to be one of the coldest in many decades. As usual, when such Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD) spread, the masses begin to feel fearful and fall for such nonsense.

    The same behavioral patterns observed in the crypto markets concerning manipulation can be witnessed in various aspects of real life. Just two weeks away from March 1st, my little town experienced temperatures close to 15 degrees Celsius at noon. That's hardly your typical February weather, if you ask me.

    Today, as I spent some time outdoors, I couldn't help but ponder over the predicament I currently find myself in regarding that darn garage. Initially intended as a gift, it was recently announced to have been sold, as I elaborated in a post a few decades ago.

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    I may have a chance to reclaim it through legal means. Over the past six and a half years, I've diligently maintained the garage, covering electricity costs, taxes, and all associated responsibilities. According to some friends, presenting the invoices and having witnesses testify on my behalf could bolster my case in court.

    While there's uncertainty whether a garage falls under real estate laws, I'm willing to pursue all available avenues. Following a conversation with a friend connected to the public notary, he pledged to present my case promptly for further consideration.

    If not, well, it is what it is...

    Regarding the pictures, one might inquire... These are actually the final batch from my recent trip to Austria about a month ago. A country that left a lasting positive impression, prompting me to plan a return, perhaps this summer.

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    During my visit, the weather was predominantly cloudy with occasional rain. However, I've been assured by my parents that summers offer warmer temperatures and clear skies, a sight I'm eager to witness firsthand.

    Regardless of how appealing a place may be during winter, its charm amplifies during summer. With winter soon bidding adieu, spring, my favorite season in this part of the world, will be upon us before we know it.

    I've always appreciated summers in countries slightly farther north, where temperatures remain moderate, yet it's advisable to keep a jacket handy in case evenings turn chilly unexpectedly.

    Well, that's all from me for now. Wishing you all a splendid day, and until next time.

    Thanks for your attention,

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