Overcoming The Odds

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    In my opinion, life is scripted. Life is full of twists and turns, and there are things we can anticipate. There are so many things we can anticipate and prepare for. On the other hand, there are also unforeseen events that catch us by surprise. As humans, it is important to learn the ways of life to keep ourselves on our toes. One of the reasons why I believe life is partially scripted is because some things are expected. You see, trials, sorrows, tribulations, good times, and bad times are all part of life. Sacrifices, memories, just name it!

    Difficulties are an inevitable part of life. At some point, we'll all face challenges that will test our strength and resilience. This is why it is pertinent to curtail the spirit of perseverance and resilience. The perfect quote for this subject is: "Tough times don't last, but tough people do.” I totally agree with this quote. Difficulties won’t last forever. It is not about how long they last, but how we respond to them. It is about how we prevent them from taking us out. It is about how we fight them till they disappear. There is no doubt that difficulties come with negativity, however, battling them makes us stronger.

    Just like so many others, I've been trapped in difficult situations, unable to find a way out. I have been stuck in a dark tunnel, unable to see the light at the end. I’ve been in situations where the blood in my veins turned to desperation and despair. One thing I have realized is that indeed, tough times don’t last, tough people do.


    I grew up with my parents. We weren’t so rich, but at least we could afford 3 meals daily. My parents had good jobs and they provided the basic things for us (my siblings and I.) We had access to good education, good food and clothing. My childhood was really nice. I started working immediately after I graduated from secondary school. Although my parents could provide for my basic needs and wants without having me work, I just wanted to make money with my own hands.

    Things changed when I gained admission to the university. At that time, my older sibling also gained admission into a private university. One thing about private universities is their expensive school fees. My parents had to run helter skelter to pay my sister’s fees, accommodation and everything else. Before I gained admission into the university, I worked as a secretary in a gym. I got enough money which I kept for emergencies.

    When I resumed school, my parents were so busy settling my sister’s bills that they paid little attention to me. At that time, bills upon bills were coming in, but I couldn’t tell my parents about it because I knew what they were going through. I had to shoulder everything. I knew things were hard at home. I didn’t want to bother them, so I stayed strong till the end.

    I remember the time I ran out of cooking gas. I didn’t have enough money to fill it, so my roommate and I resorted to cooking with firewood. We were guys, and the funny thing is that we were all broke at that time. Every morning, we would gather in a room and gist till the hunger disappeared. Then we’ll all go to an incomplete building to cook with firewood.

    Things were so hard at that time that to the extent that my friends and I started playing betting games. I’m not going to lie, the betting games really helped up. We made enough money to fill the gas and restock the foodstuff. When I say “restock,” we bought a few necessary things. That period also strengthened the bond that existed between my friends and me.


    No matter how desperate our situation, we never stopped to doing anything immoral or unethical. Though we were literally starving, we never stole from others or hurt anyone in order to survive. Difficult situations shouldn’t turn you into a monster. They shouldn’t turn you into someone who hurts people. Instead, stay strong and find a way to fight through. In times of adversity, we can either give in to our instincts or fight them and maintain integrity. I'm proud to say that we fought off the former and chose the latter.Thanks for reading.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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