Another Withdrawal on Nexus Epic Game [ESP/ENG]

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Greetings appreciated Hivers

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    It has been an interesting week where I have dedicated a lot of time to learning how to play this moba shooter style, which I am not very knowledgeable about shooting games, even so I have tried to do my best to learn.

    Although I do get desperate when it comes to having an enemy nearby and even more so when he comes from the front shooting since I use grenade launchers mostly in my games and it has a shot reload time that in those situations seems very slow, which increases the anguish.

    There have been only a few times that I have been able to kill those who come so it is fun to be able to see how they die before your feet, although it is difficult with those who use lasers or machine guns, those weapons are very lethal up close so trying to keep your distance is key when fighting these enemies.

    A sido una semana interesante donde he dedicado mucho tiempo para aprender a jugar este estilo shooter moba, el cual no soy muy conocedor de los juegos de disparos, aun así he intentado hacer lo mejor para aprender.

    Aunque si me desespero a la hora de tener un enemigo cerca y mas cuando viene de frente disparando ya que uso lanzagranadas mayormente en mis partidas y tiene un tiempo de recarga de disparo que en esas situaciones parece muy lento, lo cual aumenta la angustia.

    Han sido pocas veces las que he podido matar a quienes vienen así es divertido poder ver como mueren ante tus pies, aunque si es difícil con los que usan laser o metralletas, es muy letal esas armas de cerca por lo que intentar mantener la distancia es clave a la hora de pelear con estos enemigos.


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    At first I didn't understand what those giant spiders and the giant golem that exists in the jungle in the middle of the map did, but they told me that the first is so that the minion have more damage for 3 minutes and the second is for the towers and their damage something that I had not even noticed since I am always fighting in the lines but this time I went to the jungle and I was surprised that there were several bugs that we can defeat, although we cannot defeat those bosses alone since they have a lot of damage, which I tried and died xD

    In advanced stages I was able to kill them but it took a long time, so it is better to do it as a team. I also think that a good way to take advantage of these buffs is when we already have several enemy towers destroyed and we want to enter the base by having a minion with more power ago. that it is difficult for the enemy to kill them and they accumulate and end up little by little destroying each area of the base until we can hit the Nexus, which is what we need to destroy in order to win.

    What I do find difficult is winning since in random teams you can get anything, I have seen games that beat us in 10 minutes, others in 50 minutes, everything is random, and it is also complicated to leave the line for a while since I see it many times. They advance so much that they knock down 3 towers without problems and while we only knock down 1 with luck.

    Al inicio no entendía que hacían esas arañas gigantes y el golem gigante que existe en la jungla en la mitad del mapa, pero me dijeron que el primero es para que los minion tengan mas daño por 3 min y el segundo es para las torres y su daño algo que ni me había percatado ya que siempre estoy peleando en las líneas pero esta vez fui a la jungla y me sorprendió que había varios bichos a los que podemos derrotar, aunque a esos bosses solo no se puede ya que tienen mucho daño, lo probé y morí xD

    En etapas avanzadas si pude matarlos pero demore mucho, por lo cual es mejor hacerlo en equipo, además pienso que una buena forma de aprovechar estos buf es cuando ya tenemos varias torres enemigas destruidas y queremos entrar a la base al tener minion con mas poder hace que al enemigo se le dificulte matarlos y se le acumulen y terminen poco a poco destruyendo cada zona de la base hasta poder pegar al Nexo que es lo que necesitamos destruir para poder ganar.

    Lo que si veo difícil es ganar ya que en equipos random te puede tocar lo que sea, he visto partidas que nos ganan en 10min otras en 50min es todo aleatorio, además se complica el hecho de dejar un ratito la linea ya que veo muchas veces avanzan tanto que se tumban 3 torres sin problemas y mientras nosotros apenas tumbamos 1 con suerte.


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    In the same way, take the opportunity to withdraw your winnings since we must play 1 hour and win 1 game to access the daily rewards that are valued at $1, very simple, apart from that you can continue playing to learn more and it is easy to waste time on this type of moba map games.

    I always withdraw amounts of $5 or more since we must remember that the exchange where the 3Eull token is listed supports purchase and sale operations of a minimum of $5, so it is not convenient for me to make withdrawals with smaller amounts, even if you want to know more I have the withdrawal process in this post: Withdrawal Tutorial where I explain more in detail on how to remove, although it is quite simple and it will not take you more than 5 minutes to learn.

    De igual manera aproveche para retirar las ganancias ya que debemos jugar 1 hora y ganar 1 partida para acceder a las recompensas diarias que son valoradas en 1$ muy sencillo, aparte que puedes seguir jugando para aprender mas y es que es fácil perder el tiempo en este tipo de juegos de mapas moba.

    Siempre retiro montos de 5$ o mas ya que hay que recordar que el exchange donde esta listado el token 3Eull admite operaciones de compra y venta de mínimo 5$ por lo cual no me conviene hacer retiros con montos menores, aun así si desean saber mas del proceso de retiro lo tengo en este post: Tutorial Withdrawal en donde explico mas a detalle de como retirar, aunque es bastante sencillo y no demoraras mas de 5min en aprender.


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    Tutorial Withdrawal

    ** Traducción:


    Imágenes: Nexus game **

    Let's go for more adventures

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