Hello my dear community I hope you have had a nice day I have spent it quietly in the apartment today, because I did not want to go out for a walk I felt tired plus it is doing a sun that to tell you also that there is a lot of heat causes a pool with a cold beer.
Hola mi querida comunidad espero que hayan tenido un lindo día yo me la he pasado tranquila en el apartamento el día de hoy, pues no quise salir a dar una vuelta me sentía cansada además que está haciendo un sol que para que contarles además que hay muchísimo calor provoca una piscina con unas cervezas bien frías.
But to complete that I could not miss making the usual lunch, since I was not going to stop eating so I decided to make some semi fried pork and chicken pieces, I say semi fried because they had no oil and they were only cooked in their own fat, they were very tasty and I accompanied them with avocado, since it does not provoke me to be eating rice or pasta.
Pero para completar que no podía faltar hacer el almuerzo habitual, ya que no iba a dejar de comer así que me decidí por hacer unos pedacitos de cerdo con pollo semi fritos digo semi fritos por qué no tenían aceite y solo se cocinaran en su misma grasa me quedaron muy ricas y las acompañe con aguacate, ya que no me provoca estar comiendo arroz o pasta.
I served my delicious pork and chicken dish with a ripe avocado and that was it. I sat down to enjoy my lunch which was very tasty, the meats were well seasoned and soft. Good friends, this post is coming to an end, I hope you like it and continue reading each of my publications.
Me serví mi rico plato de cerdo y pollo con un aguacate maduro y listo. Me senté a deleitarme mi almuerzo que me quedó muy rico, las carnes me quedaron bien sazonadas y suaves. Buenos amigos, este post llega a su fin, espero que les guste y continúen leyendo cada una de mis publicaciones.