Six Cheers to Splinterlands - Part 2

in voilk •  2 months ago


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    Discovery of Splinterlands

    I began my Splinterlands journey with a very low investment of $10. At the start, I discovered Hive and discovered that I can earn upvotes by making posts, but my first few attempts weren't curated. I lost hope and gave up for about a month until I decided to try again. Boredom eventually led me back to my Splinterlands account after a month's hiatus. Upon revisiting, I got hooked in the gameplay and posted on Hive once more to try my luck. Unexpectedly, this time I received upvotes which I then used to acquire my first few cards in the game. This began a cycle of gameplay and rewards that has kept me going ever since.

    I recall seeing upon Splinterlands while looking for information about Axie Infinity on YouTube. Axie Infinity had gained significant popularity in the Philippines earning thousands of pesos for players in a matter of days which is not possible even if you work on high end jobs. Piquing my curiosity, while I do my research, I realized that owning an account in Axie Infinity would require a substantial investment. If I remember, each Axie at that time would cost you $350 and you need a minimum of 3 to start totaling to an initial investment of $1050. This, of course, is way out of my budget as that amount in the Philippines are about three full months of a government employee's income which is very impossible for a student.

    As I seek alternatives, I began searching for low-budget NFT games. I would like an NFT game where I could actually play than just collect PNG while hoping for the best, as those kinds of NFT games felt like a scam. I aimed for a game where I could start without the need for huge financial investments minimizing the risk even if it didn't pan out as expected.


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    Duration of Splinterlands

    It's fascinating how time flies, isn't it? Ever since I started about 15 months ago, I still see myself as a newcomer. There's always something new to discover, especially within the confusing world of Splinterlands Wild Format. It's like stepping into a whole new world within Splinterlands with its own set of unique strategies.

    I first started in Modern Format but found it quite hard and restricting so I went and tried Wild Format where you can use every card available in the game. This gave me the freedom I needed to shine among others.


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    Maybe, one big accomplishment I can say is that I was able to reach Champion League. I may not be able to get to the top 200, but at least, I was able to reach Champion League in Wild Format in less than a month.

    My first few days of attempts immediately landed me to Gold 2 using my favorite card, The Kraken followed by his lovely minions, three Tank Heal, two Repair abilities.

    I had some troubles along the way especially with two specific rule sets.

    For Odd Ones Out rule set, I don't have a reliable build for it. The Kraken is at 12 mana so you can't use it. Same goes for Djinn Oshannus, Kron the Undying and Xenith Monk, which are all in even mana. I'm still trying to solve this one and hopefully, I can get a reliable solution to avoid losing winnable battles.

    For Healed Out rule set, the most reliable strategy I have revolves on healing so removing the heal mechanic gives me a huge problem. It's not as problematic as Odd Ones Out though since I can use The Kraken and Repair. It's still annoying to deal with it though since I rely on The Kraken too much.

    But after overcoming those, I finally got to Champion League which is my biggest accomplishment in this game so far.


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    Upcoming Goals

    My goals for now is to increase the level of my Earth units and summoners so that I would not need to rent whenever I do my daily grinds. In my country, a few dollars is enough for you to be fed in a day so I only put in a few dollars a week as I find it incredibly guilty to put more as if I am wasting money. I prefer to enjoy the game than to focus on spending money on it.

    Just to give you an idea on how frugal I am with my games, I played League of Legends for 2 years and never bought any skin even though the cheapest skin on sale will cost you about $2. This may put me in a bad light but I would prefer that money to be food in my mouth than a clothing in my game.

    Collecting all the cards is a worthy goal that is like catching every Pokémon in the game. I simply go my own pace and collect what I can each week focusing on Earth and Death Elements which I find the strongest. Watching your collection grow over time is very a fulfilling experience that is reminds me of the days when I played Pokemon.


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    Advice for Beginners

    As another newcomer, I'd advise simply to enjoy yourself. Whether you want to see the top of the Splinterlands leaderboards or play casually like me, the key is finding enjoyment. Starting from the bottom is natural. Just as a chef must first wash dishes before deemed good enough to cook in the kitchen, every journey begins with basics. Have fun, learn and let each experience enhance your skills. The better you become, the more enjoyable the game becomes as well.

    Joining forums like Reddit, Hive, Youtube or Discord groups exposes you to a wealth of knowledge and strategies from seasoned players, increasing your learning curve significantly. You can chat, ask questions, leave a comment with the community as you gain new friendships, collaborations and mentorships, enhancing your overall gaming experience. Additionally, these platforms often host events, tournaments, and giveaways, offering opportunities to test your skills and win rewards.

    Experimenting with different card combinations and play styles allows you to discover your strengths and preferences in Splinterlands. Test different combinations of units, summoners and strategies to see what fits with your play style. Through trial and error, you'll develop a deeper understanding of the game mechanics, rule sets and refine your builds for success.


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    Final Thoughts

    Now, after gaining some experience, I could say that I really like the game especially when you can use max level cards on any league unlike before. Splinterlands has more depth and the more you play it, the more you realize it. I was initially confused why some units cannot attack, why some can, why some attacks pass through armor, why some doesn't and a lot more, and again, all of these, were not taught. At that time, there were no clues, no tutorials and I just learned from simply from experiencing the game.

    Even if the game doesn't look very profitable now, it's still a very fun game and growing your collection, may it be through your own funding or just using the Glint shop, it's still a very addicting game so play in moderation. I remember playing for straight hours when I started and let me say that it was very exhausting after a while. So again, just like any other games, play in moderation so it would not burn you out.


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    If you have suggested combos or questions, feel free to comment it down below.

    If you are planning to play and is inspired by my post, please consider using my referral link:

    I do not own any of the photos in this post. All credits goes to:

    • Splinterlands
    • Peakmonsters
    • Canva

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