Three Forgotten Photos

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Delving back in the photos that have sat on my computer for way to long as I did nothing with them, which I guess is the modern equivalent of photos put in a drawer somewhere and completely forgotten about.

    Keep Clear (1 of 1).jpg

    From February 20023, this is in Docklands in Melbourne Australia. I have a feeling this shot would have been taken on one of the 'Scenes from a Bike' ride why it wasn't in the original post no one knows, I obviously thought it was good enough to stand on it's own (it isn't really) or maybe I had something similar in the post already

    Posts (1 of 1).jpg

    The 4th of April 2023 - it could be in docklands as well, it could also be somewhere near Port Melbourne, although the water looks too calm. It could also be in Sydney, I was there around that time for a few days, I remember it being overcast

    The Light (1 of 1).jpg

    July 2023 - I have no idea where this light is, except to say somewhere in Melbourne, I can see why I thought this was a strong shot, the lighting is perfect, it feels very artistic, but as a tiny thumbnail on my computer it just gets overlooked again and again.

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