Consistency and Care

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Crypto lied to some of us. We saw a lot of people get rich in a very short amount of time and some of us got carried away. We jumped in the market without thinking and quickly jumped out on the back of the rude awakening terrible results gave us. That has been the crypto story for quite a significant number of people and some have been scarred for life.

    What if there was guaranteed promise to exponential results on the back of slow and consistent growth compounded over the course of a few years? How many would take such an offer. From the looks of the Hive space not many. I like Hive because it quickly corrected the impression that we were on a get rich quick kind of scheme early enough and has instead become a platform for everyone interested to sort of test their patience, persistence and perseverance.

    As someone put it the results don't show up for what seems like an eternity. When it finally does it is usually after a sizeable number of stakeholders have given up and moved on. But at this stage I think it is almost a guarantee, and isn't that what we have sought from life? If we knew for certain that the value of Hive for instance will hit $5 some 1000 days from now a lot of us would start acting from today, not minding the length of time it takes for us to get there.

    While not as pronounced, there has been a bit of certainty with the Hive platform where growth is secure. In life and when it comes to growth no amount of effort in the moment can beat consistency. Showing up everyday whether one feels like it or not will inevitably yield results. I think our love for quick results sometimes blinds our vision to see guarantees even when they have a historical pattern backing them up.

    We all know the value of Hive will shoot up over the coming years, although no one can say for sure. I make a bold claim we'll at least be seeing the $1 value again. When it comes many will still be taken by surprise (I hope I won't be) simply because we failed to capitalize on the now and be consistent.

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