A Swing And A Miss

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Not all photo adventures are created equal. Some there's interesting sights no matter which way you turn, others almost nothing catches your eye. This was definitely in the latter category, something of a swing and a miss.

    Familiarity plays a big part in that I suspect, there seems to be an inverse relationship between how many times you've seen something and how interesting it is. Bringing a shooting buddy along helps quite a bit, when you have one handy. Naturally I didn't for this.

    Luck helps too. Thought it was on my side, it was a beautiful Friday afternoon, the kind of early spring weather that fills the parks and golf courses, so I headed to Iroquois Park. My original plan was to lurk around the golf course and shoot the golfers but from the sounds of it they were almost all drunk and in the clubhouse.

    Eh, fuck it, time to improvise. Plenty of birds and trees, and could use the hiking practice before it's time for the gorge. Got a shot of a red-tailed hawk but it was just a hair too far away to be worth editing. This is a turkey vulture that was slightly more obliging.

    For at least the past year or two, Saint Mary of the Woods has haunted a tree along the trail here. Discovered that it's now Saint Mary Three of the Tree, seems there's been some more of that immaculate conception going on. There may or may not be a golfer missing a golf ball but hopefully it's enough of an offering to appease their porcelain wrath.

    On my way back to the house, ran into the keeper of the grounds, Park Kitty. They didn't seem too impressed with my antics but once I kept my distance we were able to come to an understanding.

    Back at the house, Evander here reminded me that even when it don't work out there's always napping in the sun.

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