in voilk •  3 months ago

    WhatsApp Image 2024-04-07 at 2.42.28 PM (1).jpeg

    Welcome everyone, I invite you to read my post, I hope you are as well as I am. Today I bring you in this post that I find very interesting, because it was my visit I made to the zoo in Cali when I was on vacation in Colombia specifically in Santiago de Cali, Valle del Cauca, unique zoo in Colombia, this zoo as I read was founded in 1969, that things the same year in which I was born, This zoo has several species of animals and its tour lasts about 2 hours and a half because it is done walking, well I tell you that for me it was a wonderful experience because throughout the tour you can enjoy the beauty of nature, an excellent contact with the flora and fauna all together in one place being accompanied by my beautiful children, where we enjoyed a day together after so long without sharing with them.

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    Our tour to the zoo began first from the place where we were staying to get there that took us a time of about half an hour, as we were distant from the place, but it was very pleasant the way there we appreciate mountain landscapes a spectacle of sight, once arrived at the zoo we saw that has a schedule of 9 am until 4 pm then proceed to buy tickets that had a cost of approximately 30 thousand pesos each per adult person, since that varies according to the age of the visitor, children up to 12 years pay less together with seniors, I did not find it expensive, since its route is quite extensive at the entrance has cars and wheelchairs for all those who require their use, of course with an additional cost depending on your requirement and that merit it along their way through the zoo. It has a large parking lot with security where they guarantee the safety of your vehicle.

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    At the beginning of the tour we could appreciate it the entrance as a pond where there were many flamingos was impressive how beautiful they could be seen, this zoo is full of many animal species, monkeys, birds, otters, zebras, condors, tapirs, tigers, lions, bears, I was particularly impressed with the huge aquarium that was there, I found it very nice and varied, I could enjoy the amount of fish that were there.

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    It also has a butterfly garden where you can see step by step the transformation of a caterpillar to a butterfly. It is indescribable each place of this zoo, among owls, snakes, hippos, alligators, crocodiles. The diversity of species found there is impressive.

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    Along the way you can enjoy souvenirs, as well as places to sit down for a snack and refreshments to make the tour more pleasant and enjoyable, since it is not allowed to enter with any kind of food. It is a very well kept place and the people who visit it follow the rules established there.

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    In each part of the tour you will be able to observe each animal species that is exhibited there, each one with its description, in the front part of its location. You will also find lions where its attraction is to wait for the strength of its roar, each of the species have a large space that give each animal comfort to move in addition to being very well protected so that visitors can appreciate their movements of each of them. When visiting the zoo, visitors should be comfortable to walk around, since there is a lot to see.

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    It should be noted that each of the species that live there has trained personnel for the care and protection of them, as they aim to preserve each species found there.

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    Friends, for me it was a great experience in this beautiful place. The time passed very fast and entertaining. You can take pictures wherever you like. I don't have any more pictures of the place, because they had them on another phone. And I lost them, but I hope that with these I have left I have well documented my post.

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    Thank you for reading me and being part of my day to day experiences, that's all for today, I hope you liked it. It was made with a lot of love for all of you who take a little bit of your time to read.

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