Midnight Gems -Your Free Mix-Tape Show - E 60 "Weird, Nasty, & Ghostly Creepy Cookies"

in voilk •  2 months ago


    For those of you who are new to my MidNight Gems series. Welcome to this nightly trip on which we will uncover & recover some amazing songs & covers.

    Last week we had this all-boys network, based on the comments...or rather lack of comments you are more into girls or mixing the genders. So tonight we will be trippin' hand in hand, boy in girl, as God designed it, if God Designed it? But I am also down with girl in girl, and even boy in boy as long as you are not making me watch.

    Just FYI if you don´t want to miss a show let me know in the comments and I add you to the tag list.

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    Okay, I am getting off topic as always, but look what I found the guy with the creepy radio head, doing what he does best. Creating eery emo ghostly songs and this one feels fine.

    Thom Yorke - Knife Edge

    This next one is a true gem. One of those songs nobody finds, unless they are as mad as me. A year old, 85 views, but so damn gorgeous. I hear Elvis, I hear Prince, I hear Aretha, this can not be, but I tried googling the lyrics and I could not find the original. Is this seriously their song??

    The Palace - Leaving

    Okay I want to step it up a little but I first need to do that boy-in-girl thingy, hence I am gonna use Laura to connect those dots. Another ghostly cookie, I wrote.

    Laura Marling - What He Wrote

    Hence we had boy-in-boy, boy-in-girl, now do girl-in-boy then and I am not sure if I can keep it coming but these guys can. This is just weird, creepy, cool. I love these weird layers, soundscapes, and experimental hooks. And then that break after 3 minutes, you did not see that coming did you Dear Reader?

    Low Roar - I´LL Keep Coming

    Weird boy-in-Weird girl, and let me have found the perfect weird girl for these boys. And no, this is not my little Gem Ren in a weird wig. This is Lady Ren, and she does a Maria Antoinette it seems.

    Ren Harvieu - Black Wig

    Did we do the girl-in-girl already? I am starting to lose track of all these options. But who cares, as long as we are doing it, it does not matter if it´s weird or if we mess it up.

    Now this is starting to be one of my better sets. Simply lovely, sickeningly weird, creepy crazy, but above all an awesome mix of wonderful songs you do not find anywhere else.

    Hanna Vu - Care

    Now I think I played these ghostly guys and dolls before, if not I should have they make me think of the female-voiced version of War On Drugs. Damn how do I keep coming up with these gems tonight, this is just too much maybe I should stop and not write any midnight gems sessions anymore for 18 months so you can digest this one.

    CABL - See You In a Year and a Half

    And step it up a notch, with a new kind of Pop Artist, talking about sick as F. And I think I hear a bit of that show must go on by Queen, before she becomes the pro.

    Viktoria Modesta - Prototype

    Going out as I like it, with a range putting that beatgirl-in-beatboy. This song is sick, these beats are bloody blood-blighting. This is keeping me in blissniss, and that damn unexpected great ending.

    Fontaines D.C. - Starbuster

    Youtube Playlist.

    All these gems were added to this week´s YouTube playlist.

    All Midnight Gems Playlist can be found here

    Spotify Playlist:

    The Spotify playlist might not capture the whole show but is meant to represent it as well as Spotify makes it possible:


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    Riddle Me This

    Guess What, my riddle was almost too easy ...but not this time. This time no one got it, while the answer is up in the air.

    What the fluff is Midnight Gems?

    Somewhere lost in time, trying to escape out of the rabbit hole back into the rat race there is a vacuum..... that´s the place where midnight gems are found.

    My Midnight Gems will try to uncover & recover those beautiful songs that nobody ever noticed or might have been forgotten.

    Who the fluff am I?

    Being a former DJ playing about everything and having an uncompleted study of radio journalism. I have been wanting to do this for years...Thought about it many nights and guess now it´s time to finally take it to the streets.

    Hope you enjoyed this well-known wave of fantastic music and that you still feel like joining me on the next Midnight Gems Session coming soon.

    Tag List

    @beeber @mypathtofire @johannapeguero

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