The Healing Path

in voilk •  last month


    Hi guys,

    Welcome to my blog for another exciting entry into a hive learners topic. Today we have a unique topic which demands that we share a very insightful conversation on the matter.

    First of all, what do you as an individual think of second chances? As religious people, our scriptures teach us to always give people the benefit of the doubt no matter the level of sin that they have committed against us. In fact, as a Muslim my Islamic teaching centers a lot around forgiving each other so God our creator can also forgive.

    At times we often hear the phrase “If God can forgive any sin, why can’t we also do the same”? I mostly don’t side with this notion even though I think we should try as much as possible to forgive. We can never be like God God was the one who created us and if he decides to forgive you and me for any sin that we commit against him it only shows how powerful he is.

    We on the other hand are human beings with emotions, we are not perfect and as such we have a lot of things running through us. It takes a lot to be able to forgive someone depending on the sin he or she has committed against us.

    To be a forgiver and a forgetter of the sin committed against us takes a lot more than just saying I forgive.


    This brings me to the topic of rehabilitation. Am of the of the idea rehab should be for people who are addicted to a certain type of illness or addiction which they cannot stop or easily do away with. That means, addicted to things like pornography, drugs, alcohol and a whole range of hard substances. These are the types of things which rehab can easily deal with. However the art of theft cannot be explained easily and cannot be understood easily. I don’t see why a criminal needs to be rehabilitated.

    For me, I think the best place or the best rehab for a criminal is prison. When he or she has been sentenced to prison for a crime committed it gives him or her the time he requires to reflect on the action committed and then decide to change his or her ways.

    It’s not easy for someone to be locked away from his normal life for a very long time and not choose to change. When we see people not changing after he or she has been locked up then it’s a little too late for that person, for this kind of person what can rehab do for him or her?

    I admit that there are certain addictions which cause one to be a criminal. Some of them are when you are addicted to drugs to the point where your only chance of getting money to buy the drug is by stealing to get money to buy the drugs. I agree that when this type of people are caught the first line of action is to take them to rehab to help free them of this addiction.

    But for a murderer, I don’t think rehab is what suits him or her. A life for a life should be the cause of action which means he or she should be taken away for life to serve his prison time for taking someone else’s life.

    I am not against giving people second chances through rehabilitation, I just think that not everyone deserves to be given a second chance when he or she doesn’t deserve it.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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