A small outing with my spouse on a rainy and gloomy day

in voilk •  2 months ago

    **Rainy day **

    Today is one of the ugliest days of the year. It started raining since early morning, not just here by the sea but all over Croatia. My wife and I are sitting alone in the house watching TV like two pensioners 😄😄 and then I suddenly blurt out, "Let's go somewhere for coffee," even though on such weather I’m known to stay home, especially when I'm off work. My wife, surprised, says, "Alright, let's go, but where?" I say, "We’ll see where we end up."

    So, place by place, we ended up in a town 20 kilometers away called Jezera, although there isn’t a single lake and it’s right by the sea. First, we went to a café that was miraculously open because it’s more of an open type, but it has a small roof that fits 5 tables, and 3 were empty, nothing unusual. We had our coffee there and chatted a bit with the waitress whom my wife knows from primary school and who happens to work there.

    After an hour of sitting, the rain started falling harder and was blown by the wind into us, so the boss said to close because it made no sense to stay open. So we went to another café where I had 3 deciliters of draft beer and my wife had a juice, but this one was more enclosed, had a big roof, and was also by the sea. A seagull from the alley decided to visit us, and the waiter said it's a local resident, that they call it Seagull Đuro.

    It was really nice; the rain was falling lightly with the wind, but we were sheltered. Then the wind turned to a mistral, and it started getting chilly, and both my wife and I were in short sleeves and pants, so we got up, finished our drinks standing, and headed home.

    The ride was pleasant, warm in the car, everything was great, and then, like a cherry on top, we encountered a raised bridge in a place called Tisno, which is the only way to get home. When we arrived, the bridge had just started to lift, and it rises very slowly, so we ended up sitting in the car for half an hour 😄😄.

    After half an hour, the bridge lowered, and we continued home, where we once again plopped on the couch and resumed where we left off in the morning, with that typical pensioner movie marathon 😄😄.

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