La Caridad, Tropical Paradise

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Greetings, appreciated traveling community, I hope you are well, nature offers us a great variety of incredible landscapes, on this occasion I am in the Francisco de Tiznados parish of the Ortiz municipality, Guarico state, specifically at the La Caridad farm, which serves as a important company in the poultry production branch in the country

    What makes this place impressive apart from the large dimensions of its gallons and production is undoubtedly the number of passages that these mountain ranges offer, which take this route for several hundred kilometers.

    I decided that in the early morning I would explore its trails and its surroundings, so I began the journey in the company of some dogs that are from this place, who from the beginning were friendly and playful, and accompanied me wherever I went.

    My recommendation is that before embarking on any path that involves a purchase or a set of these, it is essential to carry liquid for hydration as well as some candies since sugar is a source of energy and in these places we have to have enough energy.

    I continued walking, enjoying the sun on the way and the imposing nature that was manifested all around me. The truth is that I was too fascinated by the relief that I was visualizing and how each summit varied.

    Nature always offers us a great variety of landscapes like the one in front of me, I love the blue sky, the fresh air that I breathe while I continue my hurried pace to reach a destination that I know you will love and to which I am close.

    In this part of the planet we are in the summer, it can be seen how the vegetation is partially dry, however there are some trees that are resistant to drought and remain green.

    We continued the journey at a steady pace, going up and down each path that filled us with energy when we visualized the space and gave us spectacular views as it is, what a rewarding experience it is to be outdoors and have that close contact with nature and its benefits.

    As I mentioned before, it is important to have a good physical condition, since it requires strength, skill, and balance in each climb and descent, but it is possible if you have the will to explore these beautiful peaks and observe the beautiful panorama that it offers.

    As I advanced I felt more energetic, these hills or peaks are truly magical, you breathe natural air, the breeze is constant, the sound of birds singing is something that revitalized me and gave me more encouragement to continue my journey through this nice place

    Every time we continue advancing we can see how there are parts of the geography that are changing and especially the trees that are recovering their green color and this has a logical explanation and you will see it below

    Unlike the path we left behind, we can see how it is completely dry and this is normal because this tropical climate is truly hot, the sun is very strong and the plants are not as resistant.

    Here we are just a few meters away from reaching our destination and you can listen to the listener as it runs with its natural strength and you can see through its path the green path that protects it, the reason is simple.

    It is a beautiful river that emanates from the mountain springs which runs over a rocky surface which keeps its crystal clear waters. This place is a true spectacle.

    This wonderful river is made up of a series of natural jacuzzis in multiple places. It is a place that invites you to explore and beyond that, spend the day, enjoy its waters and share a pleasant moment with whoever you accompany.

    Those who decided to take off the heat as soon as we arrived were the little dogs that accompanied us, haha I think they are used to coming to the river, they practically guided us all the way

    So I looked for the most suitable place, it was a little difficult for me because while I was looking at the river I liked each place more than the other but I decided to get into a slightly large space where there were many small stones.

    The water was delicious, super refreshing, a true spectacle, this bath felt very good to me, the temperature of the water was cold, which gave it more charm, who doesn't want to cool off in a place like that?

    After a long time we proceeded to get dressed again and return to the main part of the hacienda. I loved this river. I hope to soon enjoy its rich crystalline waters again.

    Almost to say goodbye, I leave you this beautiful photograph of this landscape where we can appreciate how wonderful nature is through its relief and different geography and its extensive flora.

    Thank you very much for reading me, it will be until the next opportunity where I will show you more of the benefits that this part of the world called Venezuela offers, a true tropical paradise.

    @armasdiazePhone Smart 7Google Traslated
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