There was a time when I used to donate a certain percentage of my income regularly, but I’ve been a bit lazy about it lately. Recently, I started thinking that I’d like to get back into the habit of donating, so I began looking for a suitable cause.
Since I love food and plants, I was hoping to find a cause related to them. Just as I was thinking about this, I received a news letter from an Austrian organization that I had previously supported through a petition. The organization is called ARCHE NOAH, a non-profit dedicated to preserving and promoting rare and heirloom seeds of vegetables, fruits, and herbs.
I reached out to them, and they confirmed that the donation would likely be tax-deductible in Germany. So, I went ahead and donated 50 euros.
It makes me really happy to be able to support an organization working to preserve plant diversity — especially one from Austria, which played a key role in my decision to move to Europe. This time, I made the donation in the middle of the month, but I’d like to establish a habit of making donations at the end of each month as a way to express gratitude for my income.
Do you donate to any causes? How do you decide where to give?
私は食べ物や植物が大好きなので、そんな寄付先があったらいいなと思っていた矢先、以前署名活動に参加した植物の多様性を保全するオーストリアの団体からメールが届きました。ARCHE NOAHという非営利団体で、希少で在来種の野菜、果物、ハーブなどの種を保存・普及を目指しています。