A Christmas Miracle

in voilk β€’  3 months ago

    Well I'm Still basking in the Euphoria of the best Christmas πŸŽ„ πŸŽ„, i have had in a decade. I had the very best time of the year with my family yesterday and till now it has just been an endless atmosphere of Gratitude personally for me.
    Christmas to me hadn't really revolved around family anymore ever since I lost my parents. Since then I have been jumping from one family to the other, like distant relatives, most of my close relatives, foster family and the likes.


    So with this I have not really been to my village for years now, not that I had planned this trip, but I kept on telling myself that I miss my Grandma and I would love to visit her.
    Fast forward to when I was posted to Psychiatric Experience, it was way closer to her place, just a few miles away and the Transportation cost will be reduced, so I decided to visit.

    Well it has been a bumpy year for me, not gonna lie, after my Psychiatric experience, I was totally drained. Visiting my grandma will pose a very big financial problem on me but seeing her and staying with her will be very therapeutic for me too.

    My Christmas Miracle

    After reaching the village a few days before Christmas, I had no idea of what Christmas was gonna be like for me, my grandma and the children Around. So Christmas Came and I was just lying down, fiddling with my phone and whilst wishing people a Merry Christmas and receiving them as well, my Boss slid into my Inbox, wishing me a Merry Christmas. He asked how I was fairing and all and just then he deposited a huge amount of money into my account to use and spend Christmas with my grandma.


    Trust me to be ElatedπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ and just then , my mood switched into the Christmas mood proper. I went to the market, got plenty of food and drinks, headed back to the house and started preparing them.

    So asides the food Preparation and all, I think I have really had a good Christmas Break. Christmas Break in a very rural area, away from all the Busing and hustling, and just like my Boss would say β€œ away from everything that may have in one way or the other cost me Sleepless nights, deep thoughts. Whilst I was doing my Psychiatric experience, my mind wasn't really at rest. I was even able to enjoy the experience to the fullest , I dread what my result would be like.



    Well back to My Christmas, I met my grandma who was very strong and healthy. I was worried about her health, since she's advancing in age, but I was happy to see that she was literally bouncing. She was quite elated to see me though. This is the closest Relative I have, my mother's Grandmother. All my Cousins, nieces, nephews are travelling back to the village for this Christmas after a long while. With this , we will get to enjoy Christmas and new year as a big family though.





    While it last, this is the best Christmas for me, I am enjoying every bit of it, everything has worked perfectly for this year's Christmas to hold, so I would just say , it's a Christmas for a purpose.
    I'm taking all the nap , resting, relaxing and having, meditating in the new found spot(a stream) because I definitely know that, when once I leave this place, I'll be swimming in work upon work.

    I can't wait to get married and bring my kids and family back for Christmas.

    How's your Christmas Going??

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