in voilk •  3 months ago
    As a philosopher, I was most concerned with issues associated with the existence of God. I am a Christian and I believed in the existence of God. But beyond that, I asked lot's of questions. In all though, I was able to rationally ascertain that there God.


    The song "Through Eternity" by GUC speaks majorly about God's love for humanity, but above that it depicted the eternal nature of God. GUC is my favourite gospel artist and he was able to outline two of God's divine nature in his song "through eternal". First, he was able to outline God's all powerful nature and then his ever loving nature. In my quest for knowledge, I have doubted the authenticity of what [some] religion hold onto, but I have never doubted the existence of a God. How else can we justify the existence of the universe if their was never a being that existed before time?

    Christians believe that God is an all powerful, all knowledgeable and ever loving being. Among all the Christian doctrine that there is, I certainly hold onto this one. Even though we are to hold onto the big bang theory in opposition to the existence of an almighty divine being (God), who made that which was in existence before the big bang? To answer this question, religion brought God to the picture. Aristotle calls him "the first cause", that which was never caused. Though we cannot explain how a being would exist on his/her own scientifically, but that is the only way we can justify the existence of a well ordered universe. There must be a creator who was never created.

    But come to think of it, if there be an all almighty, ever good and all powerful God, why is there evil in the world? In her song "hello God" Dolly Parton expressed questions of this nature. Being an ever good God, his nature should detest evil and his all powerfulness makes him capable enough to expel evil of any form. Now why are there still evil in the world? Christians after facing numerous challenges tend to question the existences of God. God is indeed all powerful and ever good but for some reasons he allows evil to win why the good live in pray. Even as they keep praying, he tend to pay no or little attention to them. Why?

    The fact that God and all that he has made is good is indubitable, but his creature cannot be said to be as perfect as he is and that's the problem. God has given the human person freewill, one that allows him/her bring about either good or evil consequences all by himself. Though the human person is good but yet imperfect, this imperfect nature of the human person causes him/her to see corruption. The corrupted nature of the human person could be said to be reason behind evil.

    God has given the human person free will, one that allows him/her to either choose good or bad. In his song "earth song", Wizard Chan referred to earth as a "world of looming danger, where the evil are always winning and the good live in prayers". That for me is a complete definition of the world, but humans made it so. It is easy to blame God, but humans [with free will] are the completely in charge of the earth. Personally I see no argument strong enough to debunk why God allows evil to thrive, but we cannot blame God for our actions. We are free and rational beings, and we are to blamed for making our world "a world of looming danger".

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