Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge - Fog of War

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Image from @splinterlands

    Hello everyone, this is my entry to the splinterlands battle mage challenge for this week. I will be describing one of my battles with the given ruleset. I used my account @yahuzah which is my spl account for all battles.


    Battle Ruleset

    Ruleset IconDescription
    image.pngFog of War : Monsters lose snipe, sneak and opportunity abilities
    image.pngAmored up : All monsters have 2 armor in addition to their normal armor set
    image.pngGoing the distance : Only monsters with ranged attacks may be used in battles

    These three rulesets meant that I could only use up to ranged attacks monsters who will lose their snipe, opportunity and sneak abilities. All monsters would also have 2 shield in addition to what they already had.

    My enemy's Lineup



    Summoner chosen


    For this battle, I chose the Fernheart summoner to give all my ranged monsters the close ranged ability which would allow them attack in the first position.


    Battle Tactics

    In first position, I selected Fungus Flinger for its martyr ability.


    Fungus Flinger in first position


    I selected Ancient Redwood in second position for its high health and high attack. It has an attack of 5 ranged and a health of 10.


    Ancient Redwood in the second position


    In the third position, I selected Gargoya Devil for its flying ability.


    Gargoya Devil in third position


    In the fourth position I selected Goblin Tower for its blast ability.


    Magi of Chaos in the fourth position

    In the fifth position, I selected, Vernari Markstrat for its martyr ability.


    Vernari Markstrat in the last position


    In the last position, I selected Runemancer Florre for its dual attack of 2 magic and 2 range.


    Runemancer Florre


    Battle Details

    Summoner buffs and depuffs took effect and the battle began with my last monster making use of its dual attack to reduce the health of my enemy's first monster to 1. My enemy attacked next with the last and third monsters reducing the health of my first monster to 3. My third monster killed my enemy's first monster.


    Next wave attacks took place and my fourth monster killed my enemy's Vernari Markstrat resulting in my enemy's third monster to take up first spot and also gaining +1 stats.


    My enemy also got to kill my first monster which made my second take up first spot and gain +1 stats ending round 1.


    Attacks from both me and my enemy were all over the place till my enemy killed my first monster to end the second round.


    My last monster killed my enemy's first monster at the start of round 3. Further attacks from my team killed the new monster who took the first spot.


    Halfway through round 4, my team killed another one of my enemy's monsters leaving him with only one monster.


    My enemy's last monster couldn't attack in the first position so it became all attacks from my team and we managed to finish my enemy off.



    Here is my battle link. Watch here how I took my enemy to battle and won.


    All images used are from splinterlands.com and splintertools.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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