My life advice: contentment

in voilk •  3 months ago

    My Life advice: contentment

    Welcome to my blog everyone.


    Before I will proceed talking about contentment,don't you like to know what contentment really means?

    contentment- that state of being truly satisfied and chill with your current situation? It's one of the realest, most underrated superpowers out there. For real, once you tap into that deep sense of "enoughness" in your life, it's like this cosmic force field activates around you. Negative vibes from others just ricochet right off.

    See, when you're content, you stop fixating on what you lack or what others have that you don't. You're just internally solid and at peace with where you're at, flaws and all. It's like nothing can really rattle you or throw you off your centered groove.

    That unshakeable sense of wholeness and self-acceptance bleeds into how you move through the world too. Without all that neediness or "keeping up with the Joneses" static in your head, you just vibe differently around people. There's this easygoing, live-and-let-live energy you give off.

    Suddenly, you're way less judgmental of how others operate 'cause you're not caught up in comparing your respective gigs. If Eric chooses the fast-paced corporate ladder life, but you're content chilling at your modest 9-to-5, it's all good - no beef there. If your cousin blows their savings on a sick sports car, while you happily drive your no-frills sedan, you can genuinely share in their enthusiasm without salty jealousy.

    And get this - when you're just breezy and content with your own circumstances, you naturally become way more chill towards any perceived "flaws" in others too. Their quirky personality tics or unconventional life choices don't set you off the same way. You're like, "You do you, as long as you're not hurting anyone - I'm just focused on my own peaceful vibe over here."

    It's true emotional self-mastery, an abundance mindset on another level. That scarcity fear of "not enough" just melts away, so you're not sweating what anyone else has or doesn't have. No shaming required, 'cause your soul's already full, ya dig?

    This sense of wholehearted completeness also makes you way more generous and giving towards others. When you're starving for fulfillment in your own life, it's human nature to hoard and fixate only on getting yours. But with true contentment, you don't feel that same desperation. Your natural state is open-hearted, willing to share and uplift the people around you.

    At the same time though, you're not just a pushover who lets others mistreat you either. Being content grants you this almost Zen-like assertiveness to set firm boundaries and protect your peace. Toxic relationships or dynamics don't shake you or trigger that "please like me!" people-pleasing panic. You're far too rooted in radical self-love for that noise.

    When someone crosses a line, you can say your truth or simply disengage with this grounded calmness and compassion. No defensiveness or lashing out required 'because their hang ups have zero power over your sense of self-worth. You can let the nonsense roll off and stay 10 toes down in your truth without residual bitterness.

    That persistent, stress-free mentality is low-key one of the ultimate keys to aging well too. Peep the elders who've mastered contentment - they literally emanate this youthful, ageless vibrance. No matter what curveballs life throws them, they've been too busy relishing the present simple joys to let external chaos rob their joy.

    What a total flex on the drama-addicted masses!
    And yeah, contentment is a mindful practice like any healthy habit. Those existential crisis moments of questioning if you're on the "right" path still gonna pop up. Maybe an epic fail or tragedy will shake you temporarily. But having that strong applied contentment muscle allows you to reset and recenter way quicker.

    You're like, "Okay, that happened. But the big picture? My life is profoundly complete and blessed just as is." Then you reground in gratitude for all the dope elements you do have going on - those sustaining pillars of your peaceful Here and Now.

    At the end of the day, true lasting happiness has way less to do with the materialistic milestones or status symbols we're programmed to chase. Contentment, that ability to find soul-soothing joy in your most mundane daily existence, is where the real magic happens. Where you stop burning through life on an endless hunger for "more" and simply sink into a serene presence.

    Once you unlock that next-level superpower, everything else becomes so much lighter. You're naturally more compassionate towards others' journeys since you're overflowing with compassion for yourself first. Other people's opinions can't cramp your vibe. And the only real competition you're focused on is making your own darn peace indelible - through brand new challenges and seasons. World-class level stuff right there.

    Here's my entry into #Inleo daily prompt. Click HERE to participate.

    Thank you for reading my post

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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