The Tired Wolf

in voilk •  last month


    He was always like that. Calm, collected and reserved. Never shouting in a meeting, always sitting down, laid back and listening, only speaks when spoken to and replies with meaningful ideas, not like the other executives around the table who bicker like rival siblings. As the CEO, he was the tired father and that was true, the only fact is I didn't know just how tired he was.
    Being the personal assistant of Derek Wolfe is a huge promotion, a great honor and probably one of the highest ranks a person in the business can get.
    Derek is the Owner of Wolf Inc. , the most successful business enterprise for 10 years and counting. He raised this company by himself, bringing it to heights that seem impossible due to skill, grit and a bit of gut instinct.
    That's what was written in his biography and like so many readers, I also thought it was 364 pages of lies packaged to further push his fame.
    Not till I started handling his accounts did I realize just how factual it was.

    "....Thirty trillion dollars!" The mention of such a huge sum, brought me out of my thoughts.
    I looked at my hand written report of the meeting and realized I had trailed off.
    Taking a peek at another assistant's report made me realize what was going on.
    I nearly laughed at the stupidity of it.
    'Surely, Mr Derek, wouldn't approve.' I thought and nearly said it outloud.

    I looked at him and noticed all the executives kept glancing at him, expecting him to pitch in and shut the campaign down.
    He kept a neutral poker face though, always using tinted glasses so no-one could at the very least see his eyes.
    Mr Smith, at the fact of not being shut down, took it as a cue to keep on explaining.
    "Thirty Trillion isn't such a big deal for this company and this is a favorable investment."
    "Favorable for who? You or the company as a whole?" Sir Hunt, always against Mr Smith, attacked him back.
    The other executives rallied against him.
    Usually one can't trust any business man, but at the very least Sir Hunt was on the businesses side on this, or he seemed to be.
    Mr. Smith realized the odds were against him and decided to take a more drastic measure.
    "Mr Wolfe, what do you think?"
    Everyone's eyes shifted to my immediate superior now.
    It was an all or nothing gamble, as he having the most shares and power can fully decide to go through with the plan or shut it down. The riskiest part though, is that no one knows exactly what he's going to choose.
    "It's a risk..." He said slowly.
    He always talks slowly. Taking time picking out his words and I suspect to allow me to listen and write everything fully.
    "...but the numbers don't lie, it could bring a major profit."
    "Indeed, Sir Wolfe!" Mr Smith said smiling.
    "The problem Mr Smith, is where the major profit would be going." Mr Derek replied.

    The timer rang off and that was the end of the meeting.
    "We will discuss this in our next meeting. I like it, but I'll work on it and iron out some kinks. I may be the owner, but this is our company." Mr Derek concluded and sent them off.

    As they all exited the room he yawned and took off his glasses showing a set of tired pale green eyes.
    He looked older and more stressed, a form so far that's been shown to only me.
    "How long was the meeting?" He asked me.
    "Four hours as always sir."
    "Four huh.. The report?" I shamefully held out the report, some parts left out due to my carelessness.
    He didn't shout though, he never did. I think that hurt me more.
    "I intend to make it as detailed as possible before tomorrow sir." I informed him to which he nodded and gave me the notepad back.

    "It's six pm, tell Jones to come around by eight, wake me up by seven-thirty on the dot.
    He dimmed the lights and dozed off.
    Truly he had been tired lately, only I have been noticing the signs.
    I didn't confirm them though until the previous meeting, the slight drool on his chin confirmed that he slept through these meetings and slept-talked his way through them.
    It all added up to why he insisted on a detailed report every meeting.
    It was unavoidable, his presence was mandatory, his being needed for the company, but at 65, he was getting old.
    His hair which was once black turned gray was now sprayed white as a form of fashion upgrade that hid the cruel fate of time.
    His body may have been getting weak but his mind was as sharp as ever and like other deals and schemes, with a detailed report he would be able to turn this clear Thirty Trillion fraud Mr Smith is trying to pull into a gain for the company.
    I will get him that report, he needs all the help I could give him.
    "He may be the owner, but it's our company.”


    My Instagram page.

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