in voilk •  4 months ago

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    Today was a very special Creative Sunday for me. I was so excited to share a freestyle song all about Jesus Christ. He means everything to me as my Lord and Savior. I wanted to sing praises about how Jesus is the King of Kings and the way, truth and life.

    As I got my camera ready to record my freestyle, my young son came running into the room. He saw me setting up and begged to be part of the video too! At first, I tried telling him "Maybe next time, this is just for me today." But he would not take no for an answer.

    My little guy looked up with those big hopeful eyes and said "Please Papa, let me sing about Jesus with you!" I could not resist that pure enthusiasm. So I agreed to let him join me for this special freestyle dedicated to our King.

    The video started off with me seated, smiling wide as I introduced the freestyle topic - letting the world know the eternal greatness of Jesus Christ as King over all. I explained how He is the path to truth and real life. As I began singing words of praise, my son came dancing into view.

    Even though he's just a child, my son has such faith. He was waving his arms and smiling that bright smile as he sang along in his sweet, innocent voice. Watching him get so excited praising Jesus filled me with pure joy and warmth. Out of the mouths of babes!

    We took turns going back and forth, singinglines about Jesus being our truth, our light, and our living way. I could feel God's spirit uplifting me as I heard my child's simple yet powerful proclamations of "Jesus is my king!" It was such a special bonding moment.

    Part of my freestyle spoke about how Jesus is the anchor in life's storms, always guiding us back to the truth. My son shouted out his own lyrics calling Jesus "my best friend!" I got chills hearing that childlike faithfulness.

    Towards the end, I sang directly to my son about making Jesus the foundation for his life too. I reminded him to always follow the path of truth taught in God's word. My boy just beamed that bright, angelic smile in response before wrapping me in a big hug.

    In that beautiful moment, I realized this Creative Sunday video turned into something greater than just a musical offering. It became a treasured memory - an inspiring proclamation of faith passed down to the next generation. I get choked up thinking about how blessed I felt singing praises to the King alongside my beloved child.

    Despite my initial hesitations about having him join in, I'm so glad I let my son be part of this special Creative Sunday freestyle. I'll forever cherish this video, hearing our combined joyful voices singing "Jesus our Truth, Jesus our Way, Jesus our King forever and ever!" What greater subject is there for creativity than the Lord Almighty?

    ▶️ 3Speak

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