My Advice to all aspiring Entrepreneurs and Business enthusiasts

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hello Everyone in this Great Community,

    Hope this blog met you all well.

    Life is a process of continuous improvement, learning and relearning. Work and Business are all part of life.
    Every one must work to survive, except maybe you are born in a very rich family where you only depends on family inheritance. If it's unlikely the case and you are born without a silver spoon, then you must hustle to survive.
    Having something doing is very important, whether you are working under someone in an organisation or work place. Or maybe you an entrepreneur or business person.
    I am a Business person, over the past five years, i have ventured into so many businesses that gave me some experience over the years

    My first Advice is be diligent and work smart.

    Being Diligent means to take work serious, stay focus and work hard.


    Any one working, whether under someone or engaging in any business activities must stay committed to their work, work hard and be very industrious. If you are under a boss serve him or her well, whatever role or task you are given to perform or work on, do your very possible best, this is not just because of the salary you are being paid but because of future purpose, especially when you become your own boss.
    If you are a business person, or some one that works in the virtual space (Online business), stay updated, remain consistent, try out something new once in a while.

    Working Smart means doing a task with less stress or energy through utilizing ones skills and experience. It means using your time and energy in a more efficient and effective way possible. Working smart can be delegating task to other people to help you do something that might take only you days, and completing it in a few hours. Working smart can mean alot of things though.

    Take every opportunity and chances

    Opportunity are very hard to come by, whenever thete is an opportunity to do something or a business idea, or anything that can bring progress to your financial situation or life, take it. Don't procrastinate or delay.
    One of my boss will say that "Delay is dangerous".
    I was a kind of person that do waste opportunity and chances a lot, when opportunity comes i spent much time overthinking and delaying until the opportunity got wasted. After suffering many set backs because of procrastination, i decided to change my motto to "Just Do it"
    Ever since i took that decision of stopping procrastination, many investment and business opportunities are well utilized in to massive profits.

    Customers are king


    This advice right here is for everyone that want their business ventures to prosper and flourish.
    Whether you are employed or you are an employer, do well to treat the customers well, some customers can be annoying and foul mouthed, but no Matter how they behave or talk still treat the like king, react to the behaviours in a rather calm and friendly manner, you would be surprised to how customers would be trooping into your business space, happy customers would always refer other customers to you.

    Ok here is my little but gold advice to everyone out there planning to start a business, or already into business or employee or employers.

    Thanks for coming around, i hope you enjoyed the content.
    Till next time ❤️


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