A very long weekend - Going on a Rotary trip

in voilk •  4 months ago



    This weekend has been one of the busiest I have had in a long time, we went to Cúcuta, Colombia which is a city that is about 45min from where I live in Venezuela, this trip was on the occasion of the visit of the Rotary authorities and as always on these trips, we had a LOT of activities.



    The trip started on friday morning, we had to go to the bridge at the border (the Colombian-Venezuelan border is delimited by a river) because there would be the first activity that we would have, a small reception between the two countries to celebrate this binational meeting. From there we went to the hotel and had lunch, here I had a little fiasco because I had lunch at Subway, because in my city the franchise was gone a few years ago due to the crisis and the sandwich was not delicious, after this it was time to get ready because at 7PM we would have a gala dinner, I think this was my favourite activity of the weekend, seeing us all dressed up in such a formal way and the decoration was so nice, it was also a great moment to share with people from other countries, after this we went to eat at Mcdonald's because the truth is, the food at the gala was a bit scarce hahaha!







    The next day we got up VERY early in the morning, because we had a protocol breakfast that started at 7AM, the dress etiquette for this occasion was formal but during the day, also as the breakfast was included in our hotel, we went and ate something quickly, so that last night we were not left with some hunger and anticipating that the event would start on time, after this, we went to rest at the hotel. We had lunch in a supermarket near the hotel and got ready for the afternoon event which was a forum only with Rotary Venezuela, it was very good, we talked about the problems of our country and they advised us on what to do. In the evening, we decided to stay at the hotel and spend some time at the pool and then we stayed in the room joking around and having a few beers.





    On Sunday morning, we spent some time at the pool and had breakfast before checking in, then we were to meet the rest of the group at another shopping centre, here I had a matcha of the not-very-healthy kind and we caught the bus across the border again, to finally be home again.





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