I'm Not So An Early Sleeper

in voilk •  3 months ago

    I always love to say that nature is beautiful and nothing can be compared to it. Nature knew how important it was that after the day's toils, one needs to rest the tired and weary body and it gave us sleep. Sleep is a natural gift of nature with so many health benefits as it helps

    • improve the brain function for better memory, and sharper focus.
    • Increase one's productivity and creativity.
    • Improve one's mood and emotional regulation and so on.

    I know that there are people who do not sleep naturally except they are sedated, but I am so blessed being a natural sleeper that once my head touches the bed with or without a pillow, I'm already on my way to dreamland, lol. For me, sleep is an antidote for stress, anxiety and tiredness. I sleep so easily but light.

    While growing up, it was early to bed, early to rise. I sleep latest 9pm so I can enjoy the recommended eight hours sleep time which the body needs to function well. This also enabled me to get up early around 5:30am, do my morning chores before preparing for school. Weekends were the only days I was allowed to stay late and watch late night movies. Entering the tertiary institution, the sleep routine changed, I started sleeping late because there are times that I needed to stay up late to read or attend night classes. Although sometimes I try to sleep during the day to make up for the night, still it wasn't the same as night sleep.

    Now, I am more of a late night sleeper that sometimes, I stay awake till 2am. But no matter how late I sleep, I must be awake by 5:30am all thanks to my alarm, or latest 6am to get ready for work because I have to be at the office by 8:30am except on some weekends when I won't go to work or have anything to do early, I just sleep till I'm satisfied.
    Once I get to the office and settle in, I crosscheck my diary to know my itinerary for the day.
    Some days especially Tuesdays, I have a briefing with my superior and other team members and after that, I'm off to the field for marketing. There are days that I will just work from the office.

    Closing by 5pm, I head straight home to attend to other things I need to do at home and take care of other side hustles. That's when I get the opportunity to engage on Hive, write and publish a post and equally engage in other platforms that I belong. On days that I need to be at the church for choir practice or other activities, I'll just head there and that means getting home latest 8pm. Before I'll finish with all other things I need to do, night would have been long gone leaving me with less sleep time. But there are days I retire to bed early and my body feels good for that.

    Not having enough sleep time usually affect my health and general well-being. After such late nights and short sleep hours, I usually wake up feeling drained of strength, a banging headache, heavy eyes with dark circles. Prolonging it means that I'm calling for a total body breakdown.

    I remember during the last zealy quest for the Hive marketing campaign to onboard new users organized by Inleo that I participated, most of the quests involved attending X spaces which were held at late nights and early mornings so I usually stay awake, sometimes 5am. It really affected my health that before the campaign ended I became sick and couldn't finish some of the quests. I had to ask for sick leave from the office because I couldn't cope with work.

    Another effect is feeling reluctant to go to work as a result of not having enough strength but I have to go. And for the greater part of that day I may not be well coordinated, coupled with laziness, mood swings and making mistakes along the line which will lead to a less productive day.

    Not only that, at any slightest chance I have to be alone with no task to do, I'll just doze off.

    I remember the day my superior walked in on me one afternoon sleeping on my desk after she couldn't get me on the phone. Apparently she had called several times and when I wasn't picking up she decided to come meet me. She tapped me and I woke up with a start, apologized for my actions and the next thing I heard was "Go home and rest. I need you strong and active". She understood that I had a late night meeting with some clients. I was full of thanks because I really needed that rest. I got home, showered, ate, put my phone on silent mode, and slept.

    The next morning I felt rejuvenated, stronger and happily went to work. With that happy mood I was able to finish up the work I left the previous day and even did more.

    To top it up, a client I was prospecting for long did business with us. When I asked him why he changed his mind, he said you caught me with your cheerful mood. It was a great day for me all thanks to my superior who saw the need for me to rest.

    Have I stopped sleeping late after that? Well I try to balance it but I tell you, staying up late is still winning, 😂

    Many thanks for reading.

    Still the #threadsaddict 😂

    This is my entry for the #weekly-engagagement Wk 45 and coincidentally it aligns with the #aprilinleo topic for today

    Images Are Mine And Right Reserved

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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