Most people would have different ideas on what things are meaningful to them; despite the similarities we all share in life we all have our individual thoughts and attitudes and the experiences that drive them. The word itself speaks of something that has meaning or that which is important or serious such as a meaningful discussion a couple might have about the future of their relationship, but other things can be meaningful of course and when it comes to a person's life it means something more.

What I believe is, or should be, common to us all is that we should work towards a meaningful life in general and here I mean with oneself, family and friends and in the things we do. I believe life can be much more fulfilling this way than if we do not seek that state of being.
People talk about a good life and often define it by being happy, which I agree with, and I understand that many elements combine to bring that to pass; having a meaningful life adds a little more though. Those very same elements we use to create a happy life can be used to help others do the same, to help them achieve, learn and grow and to create a better future generally and I think someone doing that for others could say they have a meaningful life.