My Actifit Report Card: March 21 2024📕 At the library... / 図書館にて

in voilk •  4 months ago



    Today was a very windy day. It has been windy all these days!

    This morning started with making lunch for my second son. It was the last field trip at the end of the school year at his daycare. The bento I make is usually the same: egg omelet, fried chicken, sausage, broccoli, and mini-tomatoes. Today I added cheese chikuwa to it.

    I myself don't like room temperature fruit in bento, which is why I don't put much fruit in my sons' lunches either. But every year at this time of year, many children bring strawberries on field trips.

    "Mom ........., everyone had strawberries..."

    My sons used to say that when they returned from field trips. So today I made my second son bring strawberries as dessert. In the end, the destination of the excursion was changed due to strong winds, and they played in the park right in front of the daycare center and then ate their lunch indoors. He too was happy to be able to eat strawberries with his friends.

    In the afternoon, I went to the nearby post office to mail documents and make deposits and withdrawals from my account. The wind was still strong and it was stinging cold, making it hard to walk and not warming up. After completing my errands at the post office, I decided to take the long way home to increase the number of steps I took.

    On the way, I passed by the library and went inside to temporarily escape the strong winds. During the time before school ended, Most of the users were elderly people. I was looking for a book of the movie "Tokyo: The Last Megalopolis," which I saw the day before yesterday, when I found an old man standing in front of a bookshelf that looked like it might have the book I was looking for. He was reading the book leaning halfway against the shelf, and when I approached, he glanced at me but showed no sign of moving out of the way.

    Perhaps the book I was looking for was right behind his back. I returned there a short time later after looking around on another shelf, but he was still leaning against the bookshelf reading a book. In the end, I left the library without being able to say to him, "Excuse me".

    I don't know what kind of person this old man at the library actually is. But I have been having a hard time with people in this age group lately. The person who complained to me vehemently about the stock of merchandise at work the other day was also an old man, and the person who got angry at the cashier the other week because he couldn't exchange money was also an old man. The man asked to exchange money after making a purchase, and another staff member politely declined, but he said, "Then I don't need this stuff! I'm returning it!,” he became angry. The staff member, who usually provides excellent customer service, was somewhat fed up at this point.

    I know that everyone gets older and that it is foolish to make blanket judgments based on age or gender... but I can't help the sense of dislike that has seeped into my mind over the past few weeks. Moreover, since he was a person who leaned on the bookshelf from the front and refused to move, I think there was a high possibility that he was a dangerous person. So, I decided not to talk to him.

    It was a bit of a tiring walk, but I was happy to have exceeded 6,000 steps despite the strong winds. I hope the warm spring will come soon!








    途中図書館の前を通り掛かったので、強風から一時的に逃れるため中に入りました。学校が終わる前の時間帯は、利用者のほとんどがお年寄りです。一昨日観た『帝都物語』の原作があれば… と思い探していると、ちょうど目的の本がありそうな本棚の前でお爺さんが立ち読み中でした。しかも本棚に半ば寄りかかるようにして読んでいて、私が近づくとチラチラとこちらを見はするものの、どいてくれる気配はありません。



    誰でも歳はとるし、年齢や性別で一括りにして判断するのは良くないというのは分かっているのですが… でもここ数週間で染みついた苦手意識がどうしても抜けず、しかも本棚に正面から寄っかかって動こうとしない人ですから、地雷の可能性が高い。というわけで、声を掛けるのはやめました。


    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on


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