Destructive power...

in voilk •  3 months ago

    I really don't know how to define envy...

    There are many people in the world who are complexed and who victimize themselves, sometimes they do it to manipulate.

    That's how narcissistic people work.

    For example, this week in a conversation with two coworkers, one of them discussed money and that person always mentions money ", he says “you are not humble” or "you are going to be eaten by worms just like me” but “I have more than you” has never come out of my mouth and that person always questions me, why you are doing well?.

    There are definitely people around you who (they may have the same as you or even more) and yet they can make you look bad by inventing things that you didn't say, they can run campaigns where other third parties see you as a negative agent, they close the doors on you and even insist on advising you (so don't ask them) to do things that you know obviously won't end well.

    There are other people who take advantage of the intimacy of taking them to your house or talking about a pleasant topic, and then they distort everything and add things to it. I don't know if it's envy or not, but these days it's better to be almost alone.

    I think that this partner has imaginary fights he spends posting phrases like: "your envy strengthens me”, ” for those who wish me bad" etc., and that sometimes they are the real envious ones sometimes, or they are just in internal conflict. And this type of person that I mention in this post besides being envious, is bad vibes what I call "emotional vampires" and from these get away, get away and run without looking back.

    Unfortunately this co-worker thinks that the envy that others feel for him strengthens him, because it is not so, he is living his own egocentric process, which somehow makes him a narcissistic person and I think that most of his problems reside there.

    Personally, I don't like envious people because the truth is that one feels hideous, when you notice people with those feelings and bad vibes, in your close environment, even in the same family.

    No doubt there are people who swear that they are the last Pepsi in the desert, with a very inflated ego disguised as "humility", like this co-worker.

    People like him, who are always taking care of envy and bad vibes, usually do it because he is the first to practice it.

    Shall I explain myself? He knows very closely its destructive power.

    I've always said that. Every time someone tells me that they envy him... I think... 🤔 "very suspicious suspect” and it is, without a doubt, many times people project their complexes and suffer from envy for what others achieve. This is what I call emotional insecurity, all down the barrel, lol

    If something is absolutely complicated, it is always to be totally honest with ourselves.

    It's hard for us to look at each other.

    Envy exists just like evil, but their one gives strength to it. There will always be people who are annoyed by our shine, but that's the problem if I take it very personally, I think that in this world there are a lot of people with complex …

    We always talk about narcissists as bad bugs, without knowing that we can be them, without realizing it. Making ourselves aware of our shadows and knowing when yes and when no, letting it out, is fundamental.

    We all have narcissistic traits, the important thing is to realize how we relate from that shadow. Envy does not strengthen anyone, rather it is the ego that weakens us.

    This behavior has been accentuated in our society.

    This class is very special to train and drain, my self-control!!! When they annoy me, when they treat me unfairly, when I take a breath before blowing the plugs.... Cardio kickboxing is the solution, haha the best.

    There is too much exhibitionism on social networks, the obsession with selfies and one's own image, and this is very worrying*. Have you had to deal with a narcissist? See you in comments.


    Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

    Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

    Translation with |DeepL

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