Pinmapple : Trip to Lhokseumawe City and Wedding Party

in voilk •  4 months ago



    Hi all my friends who are members of the pinmapple community today the weather is very good and the sun is not too hot so we are traveling to Go to the party venue in Gampong Uteunkot in Muara Dua sub-district, Lhokseumawe city and continue the journey to tour the surrounding area of ​​Lhokseumawe city.

    Before I continued taking photos while traveling to the wedding venue and traveling around Lhokseumawe, I first greeted my friends who had joined the community.Pinmapple because I haven't done any posting activities in our community for a long time, considering that I haven't done any travel activities for a long time, this is the first time I'm doing it. Travel activities.

    My friends, how are things and how are you doing so far? Are all the friends in our community healthy? In accordance with my hopes, I hope that all my friends will be fine and will be given happiness, always with my beloved family, wherever my friends are.

    My friends, before traveling to the wedding party and traveling around, we departed from our usual place behind the Lhokseumawe City DKPP office, namely the Office of Maritime Affairs, Agriculture and Fisheries in Lhokseumawe Next we went to the party location using cars and motorbikes, at 11.00 WIB we left the place



    On our journey we crossed the road next to the football field and the road passed through the area next to the river and through to the road leading to Medan - Banda Aceh road and I and my co-worker Move out of the way



    During the journey I arrived around the road where we found sellers of young coconuts and sugar cane juice and various types of chips and there were lots of things there. Need food categories and more from iced drinks and coffee and other drinks, my friends


    Now we have arrived at the Cunda Bridge, where the bridge area is connected to Muara Dua sub-district, lots of people passing by at night, my friend.


    Not far from the Cunda bridge, we will find an intersection called the intersection with the Then Cunda intersection, Lhokseumawe City, whose destination is from It was held only to monitor road users connecting Medan and Banda Aceh roads, my friends


    We carried out travel activities, especially when we arrived at the Jalan Cunda intersection, so we turned left which went straight to Jalan Uteunkot on the railroad. Because my friend's children's event is not far away if they enter my friends'


    Now we have reached the road leading to the place where the wedding party was held, about 300 meters away, before that I passed a government office in Uteunkot Namely DISPENDAKOT Where this service handles the community sector engaged in the Trade and Industrial sectors of Lhokseumawe City and the benefits of this service are that the people here often get guidance and Counseling about science in the field of industry and trade, my friends


    Not far from the road leading to the party we found a place in my area, namely the Medical Education School in the city of Lhokseumawe, friends, there are many experts in the field.Medicine was born from this school so that there are quite a few pharmacists and other health experts who, after completing their service at the medical school, they will take part in In society here.



    My friends, we are already on the road to the wedding party, about 100 meters from the direction of a house and a long road in the same direction, so soon we will arrive there.


    Finally I arrived at the place where the wedding party was being held, although it was not as luxurious as what people generally do, but from a behavioral perspective in my area it was perfect.



    When we arrived at the event house we were invited to taste the food that had been provided in the form of rice, chicken, goat and drinks and everything that was made easy. The host doesn't forget that coffee drinks are also available because coffee is one of the tastes of the people here, especially as Aceh is known as a good coffee producer.


    When we arrived at the party house, some of our friends took photos together with the bride and groom at the outdoor inauguration venue, and there were some friends waiting outside. At the venue, you will be invited to taste the food provided by the owner of the event house.


    Friends, today we were reunited at a wedding because it's been a long time since we met and greeted each other, so today we can gather with our old friends. It's been busy but today with time we can gather with friends. After that we prepared to go home and I took the time to go around to pick up some Photos that I might be able to use as descriptions and articles about today's trip on the pinmapple community


    In the process of traveling home from home for this event, I chose to return home from the railroad that runs through the road to the city of Lhokseumawe



    The journey from the toll road passes to the side of the Cunda mosque And we continued our journey and reached the area behind Cunda Plaza which was previously used for play and shopping at Cunda Plaza but now we have arrived at Krueng Cun Bridge.



    After passing the Cunda Bridge, we re-entered the River City area in the Banda Sakti sub-district, but this time we chose the route from the housing complex which leads to the Mongedong Mosque. The distance is approximately 500 meters until we reach the mosque, remembering that we stopped at the mosque during our journey



    Our plan to die in the mosque had arrived and some of our friends were doing midday prayers and some of them were going to the toilet to relieve themselves and some of them were waiting outside. After that, we continued home from the straight road from the mosque to the starting point of our journey for today's journey







    We were also there on the way home, we took several moments including the Puskesmas where the Puskesmas is specifically for the treatment of diseases at sub-district level so For people to seek treatment, it will be easier and they will be monitored by the things that actually cause it The emergence of disease and to overcome discipline in treatment, here we can categorize the manufacturing process in each sub-district which must be there, in fact one sub-district must have one unit.


    Friends, before arriving at our original place, we made a trip to show 2 photos of the stadium where football players often play on this field.Against clubs outside Aceh and between villages The stadium was built a long time ago, if I'm not mistaken, around 1997 until now it is still active, but the building is no longer suitable and needs In the antribun building because it is old and the building also needs to be repaired so that spectators who come from outside Aceh are calmer and more comfortable watching football matches.



    Friends, at the end of our journey, we have arrived at the basic intersection. We left for Muaradua sub-district in Tier village, but now we have returned to Mongeudong village. Coincidentally, at Simpang Tiga there were offices which I took several photos of considering that these offices were government agencies.Namely the Public Works Department and Bappeda Department and the parks around the PU Department and Bappeda The Public Works Department handles the field of reconstruction, construction of irrigation and bridges between rural sub-districts Meanwhile, the Bappeda office is the office that handles the selection of government programs proposed by the local council and the community in general, so this office plays a very important role. It's full and there are many more things that I want to tell you about in a few more photos, just remembering the time and we have arrived at the place where we moved first, that's how friends are. Our journey today





    That's it friends for today's post and welcome to see you again in the next edition of the post. Hopefully friends will be entertained and can read from our story on the journey to The wedding party house is in Uteunkot village Muara Dua District, Lhokseumawe City

    Friends, I apologize if there are any words I don't understand, perhaps from writing and from taking some photos that may not be pleasing. I apologize, friends.

    As for taking pictures or several original photos, the results are faster than shooting with my Realme 5i smartphone and I edit them with the application Lightroom And in writing the language I use English with translate in the Google application Translate friends

    Sincerely fanigunawan

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