A Love Like Mine
I'll love you little by little
You and I would be a pair
I'll build you a room, not a castle
In my heart, not in the air
I'll be your beautiful thing
Your once; twice – and always
You're the song my heart does sing
The one I'd love all my days.
I'll be your bird of a feather
You'd be my sunshine, and rainbow
We'll flaunt and flock together
Side by side, everywhere we go
My heart, I'll give you as gold
My trust will be your diamond
And let it the world be told
You're half me, not my second.
This piece was my first attempt in writing a romantic poem. This was written way back in my final year in High School. There was this girl I had a crush on, but I never had the courage to talk to her. I used to fantasize about her and I together. My imaginations were wild! I wrote this poem, hoping I would give it to her before graduation but I couldn't.
I was going through my old stuff, and I stumbled on the book where I wrote it. I smiled like the shy school boy I was then. I couldn't believe I penned this as far back as 2011! I was really in love. 😂
I didn't even know what title to give it; "A Love Like Mine" was what I came up with. This is a romantic manifesto of a boy with a wild imagination and fairy fantasy over a girl he is in love with. He had already seen himself as the man for the girl of his dreams. 😂
Thank you for reading.