Second Time Around the Clock

in voilk •  5 months ago

    It was my Hive birthday yesterday, February 15th. I am two years old on Hive. How time flies when you're hiking. And, even though I kept the date in mind for a while, I totally forgot when the day came. I have always had @hivebuzz remind me of these things, but it's been down lately and hasn't been functional. Anyway, this is a reflective post I thought to share to commemorate the day for myself.


    For the longest time on Hive, I fussed over the reputation number we see on everyone's profile. Like everyone with a new account, I started with reputation 25. I quickly jumped to the 50s and stayed there for a while afterwards. However, I envied those large numbers, particularly the 70s and 80s. "I wanted to be like them when I grew up."

    With two years in this space now and having learned substantially, I realised that reputation over here is way beyond the numbers you see on a person's profile. It's about the relationships we build, the integrity we uphold, and the impact we hold. That paradigm shift happened over time. I still care about the number, though. I'd like to keep it going, as it says something about my activity here.

    There has been so much growth for me since I got here—as a person and as a creator. I didn't think I would do anything I am doing now here when I first came. I didn't even know what I was here to do. My onboarder brought me to share music content as we both play guitar. Somehow, I discovered writing, and I took that path. I still share music in a blue moon whenever I have the chance to—singing my favourite songs and playing guitar—but writing has become a part of me now, too.

    I have met so many people from around the globe right here on Hive and have become friends with many of them. I actually thought I would only meet people from other parts of the world because I didn't think Hive was popular here, but lo and behold, I found my dear Nigerians left, right, and centre, too. And then I found the communities I would call home as I frequented them over time.


    I have set different goals here; some I accomplished, some I don't even remember, and others I'm still working on. But what's important is that I've grown, I've learned, and I've connected with others in ways I never imagined possible. Starting with no direction, I have developed some level of clarity on the person I would like to become, both as a creator and as an individual.

    Something that I didn't think I would really ever do here was to be consistent. It was a hard nut to crack, but I figured something along the line. All I have to do, really, is show up every day, and growth will happen, although it may not be visible right away. And thanks to people I walk with every now and then, their energy rubbed off on me, and I started to do things like post very regularly, like every day, and also go around buzzing as much as I could.

    Truth be told, it's not easy being around and doing what I do these days. As much as Hive has helped me grow as a person, it's been a huge source of income for me. That's not enough to keep me going, really. It's the responsibilities I shoulder that keep me grounded, grinding as much as I can. It's been a rough couple of years, to be honest. No one would ever really see that, though. It's getting better, and that's what really matters.

    I don't like to complain or nag. I just try to circumvent my way out of situations and forget about the hurdles. I have a much stronger drive this time, this year, to keep going. And so, after a really long day and with a lot of inhibitions owing to the nature of the circumstances around me, I'll show up. I'll try to put up a post these days, just to keep my arms open for that day to receive whatever may come my way as a reward, and then we go again the next day.


    Another thing that keeps me around are the spots that I have found in certain communities. There's one thing or another that I do in certain communities that helps me show up every day. I have somehow wiggled my way into communities like Hive Naija, Hive Learners, City of Neoxian, InLeo, Dreemport, and Touch Typing and become part of them somehow, and that keeps me around and connected to Hive in different ways.

    I didn't document anything when I turned one year on Hive. I didn't feel like there was anything to talk about, then. Turns out I was only self-deprecating, as there is always something to celebrate, no matter how small. Perspective is everything. This time, I chose to write something because it's something I would want to read in a year when I turn 3 years old, just like I would have loved to read about when I turned 1 year old.

    I hope to be bigger this year. I am aiming for a much bigger HP, deeper connections with people, that my aspirations come to pass, and that I continue publishing quality content as I put my all into it. Cheers to a new year for me! Happy Hive Anniversary to me!

    Images belong to me

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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