Sneak Monster Troops in Counterspell Rulesets

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Hello guys!

    Yeeeeey I'm back again with my Splinterlands post. As before, I made this post to participate in the Splinterlands Secrets Mage Battle Challenge, where the theme for this week is Counterspell.

    In these rulesets, all monsters gain the Reflect Magic ability. This means, using Magic monsters is very necessary to avoid. That said, there are many strategies that can be applied in these rulesets, and I'll also share one of the strategies I commonly use in dealing with Counterspell rulesets.

    Well, keep in mind that I'm nobody, not a Splinterlands Pro-Player or a Tournament whiz, but I'm just a pure strategist in my personal view. In this battle that I shared, I played using my Scholarship account with IGN BLTZR-WIZARD-700 who played in the Diamond league using the max level of Chaos Legion Edition with several Reward Cards. The strategy I applied might not be effective if applied in other leagues, because of the different skills that are unlocked at each level of the monster.

    Ok guys, without further ado, let's get to the main topic of this post!



    Challenge Rules



    • All units receive the magic reflect ability at the start of the battle.

    • Enemy units that attack with magic receive damage back.

    • Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attacker divided by 2, rounded up.

    • Magic units with the reflection shield ability do not take damage from reflected magic attacks.

    • The amplify ability increases damage.


    Battle Rulesets


    This is the middle mana battle with mana cost 29. There are 2 active elements, Life and Dragon with 3 rulesets:

    • Ferocity, All monsters have the Fury ability. Units with Fury ability will deal double damage to the target with the Taunt ability.
    • Holy Protection, All monsters have the Devine Shield ability. Monsters with Devine Shield will ignore the first attack received by the monster.
    • Counterspell, main rulesets for this challenge, All monsters have the Reflect Magic ability.


    Line Up and Strategy

    With the consideration of the rulesets above, some strategies that need to be considered include:

    • Does not use Taunt monsters.
    • Use at least 2 monsters with the same attack target, as attacks to break the Holy Protection ruleset.
    • Avoid using magic monsters that don't have a Reflection Shield, and focus more on using range attacks and melees.
    • Magic monsters with Void or Void Armor can be considered for use, if there is no other monster option that can be used.
    • To anticipate opponents using the same strategy, it is necessary to consider using monsters with defense from Melee and range attacks.
    • If possible, use Amplify monsters, Headwinds monsters, Demoralize monsters, or other monsters to reduce your opponent's speed and attacks.

    Ak compiles rulesets consisting of Dragon and Life monsters which I will describe in the table below:

    Quix the DeviousSummoner-1 Range, -1 SpeedI chose to use Summoner Quix the Devious because this Summoner will provide debuffs to reduce speed and range attacks. Obviously this is very useful for defense. From the rulesets that will be, the opponent will use a lot of melee and range monsters, and by reducing the moan range, the number of attacks that will enter our defense will be less. In addition, because this is a Dragon monster, this Summoner will allow us to use a combination of monsters with 3 elements, Dragon, Life and Neutral.
    Djinn ChwalaFirstThorn, Enrage, True StrikeThe main tank in this battle is Djinn Chwala which I think is very suitable for defense from melee attacks because this monster has Thorn ability, where melee attacks that hit this monster will be good to the attacker unless the monster has a reflection Shield ability. In addition, this monster also has a very good stat because it has large Armor and HP. In the attack, this monster also has a large attack, moreover, it also has Enrage ability, where if this monster's HP is not full, it will get a 50% melee attack and speed bonus.
    Chaos KnightSecondShield, Giant Killer, InspireIf not in the first position, this monster will only act as a support monster that will increase melee attack damage for all friendly monsters. The second position means that this monster is a second tank, which will replace Djinn Chwala if the mustard dies. This monster is not only a support for other monsters because the Inspire ability is also very good at defense because it adapts to melee and range because it has Shield abilities.
    Dhampir InfiltratorThirdSneak, Double Strike, CrippleIf you read the title of this post, you can definitely guess that this monster is one of the most important elements in this battle. Dhampir Infiltrator is a Sneak monster that has a Double strike ability that is very useful in Holy Protection ruleset, because only one monster can break the Devine Shield. This monster will be stronger because its melee damage will increase due to the Inspire of the Chaos Knight. This isn't the only Sneak in the line-up, and will collaborate with other Sneak monsters as the main attacker.
    Stich LeechFourthSneak, Life LeechLike the Dhampir Infiltrator, this monster is a Sneak monster as the main attacker in this battle The target of these monsters is the opposing monster in the rearmost position This monster has great damage, and will become more deadly because of the Inspire buff In addition, this monster has the Life Leech ability where the HP of this monster will increase if the target of this monster's attack has decreased HP
    UraeusFifthSneak, PoisonSneak is the third monster in this line-up. The specialty of this monster is because it has poison ability, where if the poison is active, in every round, the target will lose 2 HP. If combined with the other two Sneak monsters, the attacks from these monsters will be very effective in killing enemy monsters from the most forward position.
    Chaos AgentLastDodge, Phase, BackfireThis is a rear tank, to block the sneak of the opponent's monsters. It is possible that opponent will also use Sneak monsters, so both defense from the front and back must be considered. And even though the monster only has mana cost 1 but it is very special and annoying, because it is very good at avoiding the groans of the alwan, and if the attack from the opponent misses then the attack will return to the attacker. So even if it's just silent, this monster can still provide a counterattack for its attackers.

    You can see the complete line-up of both teams in the picture below. The opponent uses Summoner Ilthain, one of the Chaos Legion Summoners with +1 Speed and Return Fire abilities.





    (Click the image above to direct to the battle link)










    Yeeeeey, My strategy worked very well in this batttle. I got it very easy with 3 monsters left, and all three of my Sneak monsters were intact until the end.

    Ok guys, I think my post is enough here, thank you for visiting my blog, don't forget to upvote and leave a comment. If you want to start playing Splinterlands and don't have an account yet, don't hesitate to use my referral:

    The wonderful divider by kyo-gaming
    Thumbnail created using canva
    All images taken from Splinterlands website


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