Holozing Fanart: Zappity

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello there, everybody. Today, I decided to draw a character I had never referenced before and chose Zappity. Most other characters or monsters have been referenced once or twice as their respective monster forms or as humanoid counterparts.

    For today's piece, I again chose to draw the monster as a human - there's a certain charm and creativity in trying to make the character look human while also trying to make them resemble their monster forms that I can't get enough of.

    One interesting part about drawing her was choosing what hair color to use on her. Her monster form's fur color is yellow and orange/bright brown. I did use that for her skin color, but using the same color for her hair made her look a little bland and uninteresting. That's why I chose another color that still fit her color palette and colored her with that while using the same old fur color to color either side of her hair in a bunny ear form as if they were her ears.

    In the end, to make things a little more interesting and less "still", I drew lightning arcs around her as if she was activating her powers or enchanting some spell.

    I do hope that you also found this piece interesting. As always, I'm looking forward to your feedback in the comments down below, and until next time, cheers~

    The Process

    The Result

    Original Game Art

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