Those words I heard -Yes, I do...

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Imagine this was your wedding. You celebrated it at a very nice place, in the garden of a finca in the Spanish mountains on a wonderful, sunny afternoon. These comfortable cushions were prepared for you and your partner. You waited for your family and friends with excitement and all those who were there to make this wedding ceremony happen. But the most important person in that moment was the one you had chosen to be your wife or husband.


    Maybe your wedding was different. Maybe you didn't get married as you didn't want it. It might be the case that you haven't found the love of your life or the one you thought it would be was not a good decision in the end. Anything is possible here and maybe you don't even fancy weddings - yours or of others, but this post is about a wedding ceremony that I witnessed almost a year ago but somehow this story has never made it to our community. (so this is like a piece of advice now - if you don't want to read about this topic close the post...)

    So, I wanted to make a challenge for all of you to describe your own wedding and what type of music you had. Wedding -the real one or how you would imagine it if you would ever want to do that step. I was thinking about it and then every time I put it aside for different reasons. Finally, a few days ago I started writing this post, to tell you a few words about this wedding ceremony where I participated as the one who was bringing the music.

    Played on the piano. 🎶


    As I mentioned, I was the pianist during the ceremony. Another musician, a DJ, played music after the ceremony finished - during the cocktail and the dinner. But he was also so kind to connect my piano to his speakers and control the volume. We would not like the newlyweds and the guests to suffer from too loud music.


    For the pleasure of all of the guests and the bride and groom, everything went very well. A marriage officiant started the ceremony after I played the very famous Canon in D by Pachelbel. He greeted B. and S. (the bride and groom) and everyone present. He congratulated them for taking this step of affirming their love for each other and merging their lives. I had a paper where I could follow his words to know when he finished and where should I start the next song, which was the song Shallow. The tracks I had to perform were chosen by the bride and groom several weeks before the wedding.


    The sister of the bride took the microphone after the song and read a part from the book "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. It was the part when the Little Prince explained why his rose was different from all the other roses...

    One could not die for you. To be sure, an ordinary passerby would think that my rose looked just like you--the rose that belongs to me. But in herself alone she is more important than all the hundreds of you other roses: because it is she that I have watered; because it is she that I have put under the glass globe; because it is she that I have sheltered behind the screen; because it is for her that I have killed the caterpillars (except the two or three that we saved to become butterflies); because it is she that I have listened to, when she grumbled or boasted, or even sometimes when she said nothing. Because she is my rose



    We all loved to hear that excerpt from The Little Prince and would gladly listen to more parts but the ceremony had to continue. The wedding officiant read some articles of the Civil Code saying that spouses are equal in rights and duties, that they must respect and help each other and act in the interest of the family. This part of reading the articles from the Civil Code was crowned by piano music; I played the song La Vie en Rose.


    The sister of the groom read the second text, an excerpt from Victor Hugo's book Les Misérables. It was followed by the declaration of intent when both B. and S. said the words Yes, I do and they exchanged the rings. The wedding officiant declared them married and they could kiss. 😊


    There was one more song I played while the newlyweds walked out of the garden followed by all the friends and family members. It was Can You Feel The Love Tonight by Elton John.


    Here my active participation in this wedding ceremony finished... but before the place where they had dinner became crowded I took a few photos. 😁

    The patio with the prepared tables for the feast.



    If you prefer having some chill moments without all those people, you could opt for one of these benches. Take a cushion as it might not be the most comfortable bench in the world.


    Interesting idea for a place to gather your outdoor plants?


    Huge clay jars and pots...
    I know someone would love to see this lovely collection (right, @bluemoon?) 😉


    Well, I know this wedding post was sleeping in my drafts for almost a year, as it happened last May... but the idea is still here. If you would like to tell us about your wedding and what music you had there... Or what music you would like to have on your dream wedding, where you would celebrate it and who would accompany you - feel free to share it with us! This invitation is not limited by time - your story can come at any time.



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