How life changes from City to the countryside.

in voilk •  last month

    Brown Vintage Travel Moodboard Photo Collage.jpg

    As I am sitting in front of my laptop, trying to entertain myself from boredom all I can hear is the sound of the electric fan and the fridge. Oh, also the chirping birds from the outside from time to time. If only I am 100% there will be no emergency, probably I am still in Manila right now. Still working at the end of the month. Yet, as I don't want to put myself and the baby at risk, here I am staying at home for two weeks already.

    After spending weeks, I noticed that my expenses decreased day by day. Unlike when I am in the city sometimes I would go buy take away foods. Maybe my Boss was bored and we would go to Starbucks to buy some juice.


    As mentioned in my previous blog, how much it will cost while here you can buy fresh dragon fruits for $1.

    Even with meals, I stopped buying at fast foods not unless I was out with my in-laws. Instead, I cooked simple meals, usually veggies. I searched that cramps could be lessened if I avoid greasy foods.


    Does anyone know these? Nope it's not a flower plant but rather a vegetable.

    Sigarilyas in our language or also called as Winged beans.

    This vegetable was in the group of vines and often grows in tropical countries. Also, this doesn't need to be highly cared for in order to grow or bear fruits. It just clanged on into tree twigs or you could make one.

    It depends on your preferences, cook it along with other vegetables whatever dishes could be. I prefer it to steam then dip in sauce ; either fish or soy sauce, vinegar and spices. Then pair it with boiled eggs and Rice.

    And yeah a hot chocolate drink in the morning. There are times I wanted to eat fried dried fish but my OBGYNE told me to avoid salty food as much as possible.

    Ah, how my life was in peace and been so simple these days, It feels like I was back in the old one during my childhood.


    Like having a boiled banana in the morning for breakfast. Some days I crave chocolate cake early in the morning. BUT this is the only available food to eat. Not unless I will go to the town proper or order via food delivery. Thus, not of those I like to choose, so ended up with this.

    Oh yeah, there are times I missed the city, the convenience but also a part of me doesn't, LOL.

    Lead image was edited using Canva
    All photos are mine otherwise stated
    Footer credit to Sensiblecast

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