A Choice and a Process: My Journey with Forgiveness

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Many people don't know this but forgiveness is actually a drive force that leads us towards healing and peace. It is a gift we give ourselves, same way it is a decision we make to let go of our bitterness and anger, and embrace empathy and love instead. So today, on this topic concerning forgiveness, the question I will be tackling here is this; "What do I think about forgiveness, and why do I find it easy to forgive?
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    First and foremost, I want us to know that forgiveness is already a part of who I am. It's already in my blood and I now see it as a natural response to the hurts and wrongs I encounter every now and then. I really don't find it hard to forgive and that's because I understand perfectly what letting go is all about and the power that comes with it. I also understand perfectly that comes from releasing that weight of negativity that will one day pull us down if we are not careful.

    So for me, I see forgiveness as something that's come with empathy and understanding. The fact remains that we all are imperfect beings that are capable of making mistakes and causing harm to one another, whether it is an intentional act or an act that's unintentional. I am not using this as an excuse neither am I condoning anybody's actions. I am only acknowledging the fact that we all have our flaws and how we can choose to move forward with grace and love.

    I believe that forgiveness is a choice because I see it as a decision I make consciously to release myself from the bondage of resentment and anger. I have come to realize in life that holding onto grudges does not only serves as poison to me, but it also traps me in a cycle of pain and bitterness. I have seen that everytime I forgive, I am in a way reclaiming my power and my peace since I have refused to let my past hurts define my present and my future.

    The fact remains that forgiveness is not always easy because there are times when the wounds would run so deep just like there are times when the pain would feel so overwhelming. Now in those moments, I see forgiveness as a process of healing and letting go that requires lots of patience, compassion, and even self-reflection.

    I thank God that even as difficult as forgiveness can be, I always still find a way to forgive just as I choose to forgive even in the face of great pain. Now, this is because I believe in the life changing power of forgiveness. Trust me, I have seen times without number how forgiveness can fix broken relationships, restore peace to troubled hearts, and even set us free from the bondage of bitterness.

    So guys, in the end of it all, you will see that forgiveness is actually a gift we give ourselves since we are actually saving ourselves from pain. Forgiveness is a reminder that, no matter how dark the night is, there's always the promise of a new day which is another opportunity to start all over again with a heart that is open wide and a spirit that is unburdened.

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