in voilk •  2 months ago

    In recent years Peace have been forth for by many political leaders and sometimes they do engage in War and rivalries in order to achieve the required peace, but have they really achieved that long awaited Peace now? Or is it still pending?

    A month ago, I heard of a terrible incident which occurred in my town, it involved an elderly woman who withdrew some amount of money from the bank and was about to board a tricycle which would take her to her home destination but as she was waiting for a tricycle to come by, her bag which contained the money which the money she withdrew was snatched from her by some thugs. The elderly woman went home with tears and pain, she lost the little peace that she went to the bank with while returning with great anguish and anxiety.

    In another occasion, reports made us to understand that thugs got hold of a 12 year old girl and sexually abused her vigorously to the extent that she was left unconscious. Efforts were made to catch the thugs but they were in vain as they were not found.

    The Examples above depicts the level of insecurity and lack of peace that has deluged my civilized Town—Aba. This town of mine was once a very secure town where intruders do not easily penetrate for fear of being caught but due to some recent change in developments and as time went by, it has turned to a town of Insecurity.


    The issue of insecurity in my town has left some in a great dilemma especially those in the political realm, this is because it has a lot of consequences that affect all in the town emotionally. In the first scenario, the result of the insecurity affected the elderly woman in many ways which included that she was going to be out of funds for some time and it would be very damaging for her considering the fact that she may have retired and do not have any other source of income.

    There are many other consequences associated to the problem of unemployment, which if I begin to list, would be an article of its own, and there is fear that it may increase in the near future as the rate of crime is increasing on a daily basis but still we need to find the route of the problem in question in order to find a solution to the issue. So what is the route to this issue of insecurity in my town? Where did it start from?

    Right from the time of Noah’s day insecurity has been common and rampant in the world and I believe my town must have adapted that type of life to live in. Just like the humans back then, security has been threatened by fellow men and when it is closely examined you notice that it is something that comes from within and also can be eliminated from within. Since after the World War 2, my town has been left with the problems of insecurity and it seems as though it could not be eliminated, it was after then that my town began to experience increase in number of Kidnapping, Stealing, Robbery and many others.


    Unemployment is another underlying factor to the route of this insecurity in Aba, on a yearly basis over 2000 graduates exit the university in the quest of jobs to help them earn a living but the fact that there are less job vacancies compared to the amount of graduates available makes it easier for these young ones to go into these activities that threatens the security of the town. But when placed on a comparison scale, you will see that in some other towns that do have enough job vacancies to offer, there is less of the insecurity and less Peace, making it clarified that unemployment is a factor behind the threatened security of the town.

    The Government have been struggling to make things right on the side of insecurity but still it seems as though they were effortless. They have increased the number security agents that have been employed in recent times, The Police have been trying their best as well as the military men.

    Well, improvements or certain things need to be done in order to eradicate this issue of insecurity, let’s consider some of them:

    The executive part of the government need to put in more efforts in the quest to make the town a peaceful secure arena. Strong laws should be made and implemented regarding the punishments of those caught engaging in such practices.

    More checkpoints for security agents are to be allocated in order for the security agents to be around all the time and anywhere in readiness as there may be any cases of insecurity any time, there is need for modernized training facilities as well in order for the security agents to be duly trained as to what to do in any circumstance that they find themselves in. Also in addition to the solutions or improvements of this issue of insecurity in my town, I also suggest that employments be made available because as already stated above, it is as a result of unemployment that many do consider going into some acts which results to the town’s security being threatened.

    My beloved Readers, my Town is actually a great town full of many other good things attached to it but this problems of insecurity have really given my town a bad stain on it’s white existing color but still all hopes are not lost, I hope that if all the adjustments are duly applied then my Town, Aba, would once again become a Great mighty Town.

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