My introduction Post on Hive , Meet a New crocheter And Health Counselor

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello Hive


    I'm happy to finally come onbaord hive blockchain. Been a lover of social media I'm a pleased to know that we have a genuine page where we can get connected and join a network of skilled people sharing their talents, ideas and lots more.
    I will be happy to learn, unlearn and relearn about so many aspects of life like I have seen regarding the different communites on Hive.

    A friend of mine @monica-ene invited me to give as part of the @diyhub outreach contest when she saw how I had made this back pack with T-shirt yarn,bag base,bag lock.



    Making process of the bag


    I can do any form of pattern with yarn, talking about clothes like this beret



    A beanie cap I am currently working on with using a mixture green and yellow yarn. You will get you see this when it is completed.



    All of these are of my other works.
    I make crochet items for myself family and friends. Sometimes I sell to my neighbor when they need hats and other items made with yarn. This sometimes fetch me pocket money.

    By way of introduction my name is Ogunmola Helen,a final year student of University of Ilorin,Kwara State. I'm currently studying Health Promotion and Environmental Health Education.
    I'm a health advocate,health counsellor,a teacher and a
    crocheter. Been able to crochet as one of my skill is one thing I am ever proud of, I can make any with yarn using patterns. Crocheting is soothing and the creativity that comes with crotchet work keeps me relax. My leisure time is incomplete if I wasn't crotchetinh while resting.

    I'm a native of Oyo state,the first child of my parents. My Dad is a very caring,lovable and accommodating person,I guess I took the caring trait from him.
    I could remember then,when I was small till I entered secondary school,I was a straight A student and I promised myself that I'll become a pharmacist,I don't like Medicine because I don't really like surgery but as fate would have it,I found myself in environmental health,learning how to advocate for obtaining better health.
    In case you don't know what my course is about, it's advocating for good health,making positive actions to enhance optimum health,it covers reproductive health,child care and so on.


    I love to reading, singing, teaching, encouraging,crocheting and also caring for people in my own little way I equally love to teach toddlers because they pick up things on time and they're fun to be with. They also have a pure heart that holds no grudges. Living with my nieces and nephews made me fall in love with those little things and their lifestyle.
    Countless times I keep wondering if I enjoyed life or displayed all of the childish character I see in my nephew.



    Myself and @monica-ene right after she had opened my blog and assisted me with tutorials and how to navigate the blockchain.

    I love to sing too,because it uplifts my spirit and helps me feel better. I don't know what I will be doing after school specifically because of the unemployment rate in the country but I hope that #Hive can be an eye opener and I will learn somethings that can set me on track. I might possibly meet nice people around here who would inspires me and push me to achieve dreams, goals and ambitions in life.

    With heart full of enthusiasm I will be happy to receive warm welcome.

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