Some Things Mould us

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Who could believe that somethings happening at the very moment could turn out to be a story to tell it might really look like we have been watching a cinema all along.
    Ifeoma was a young girl from a very wealthy family her family was really well to do in terms of wealth 🙏 and she was the only child. They tried to give her the very best home training for all betterment but along the long run she started misbehaving in a way not pleasing to the family.

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    This was really giving her parents much concern and they were not really happy about that. The Father devised for a means tho it was not very much welcoming but she needed to see life from the different angle. Her parents called her and told her about taking her to visit to a village to stay with one of there relatives tho she was skeptical but her parents assured her things were going to be okay there also to her.
    The d-day came and they began the journey and they arrived there after discussing the father left her to the care if the old woman. The following day it was clear to her that she is to do the chores in the house. Her numerous wants of spending was already limited already as she does not see it in surplus as it were before. She opted to go but doesn't even know the road till the dad comes to pick her up. She kept rejecting the type of delicacy but later Started eating, then to fetching water from the stream, cooking on firewood, washing clothes with her hands all these gradually start sinking something into her and she relealized that there is another dimension in Life. Irrespective of things always being so soft it can also come in ways not very pleasant and we ought to know that. Money is being made but there are processes and hardwork involved in lt 🙏.
    Her parents came to take her home and thanked the relative and of a truth they saw a great change in her at there home.

    Of a truth some things mould us for the greater tasks ahead our ways, tends to make us very much stronger.

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