Cookie cutter solution to lasting marriages

in voilk •  5 months ago

    On the topic of which is more important between money and love for a marriage to work, there are many many many different point of views. I don’t dispute anyone’s opinion because to each their own opinion, everyone is speaking for themselves.

    I believe though that there’s no cookie cutter approach to making your marriage work. Different marriages (and people) need different things to work and to work together respective.

    Personally, I believe love and money are both important for a marriage to work. But with this said, I believe the two are mot sufficient to have a happy marriage. I’m sure this is not news, but some times maybe an extra set of different eyes on an issue helps, so here’s my take.

    Money in marriages

    When most people (women especially) consider money as a factor in marriage, they’re mostly thinking of whether they’re spouse can take care of them and provide for the family. And don’t get me wrong, this is very valid, but there’s another way money influences marriages that many people either don’t know about, simply don’t consider enough of a worry, or just don’t care.

    Money affecting persona

    Reading this title, you can interpret what I’m about to tell you in many different ways. But I promise you it’s not what you’re thinking. Especially if you’re thinking I’m going to talk about how money can make your partner say, start cheating in your marriage.

    What I AM about to tell you, is specifically about how men’s heads are wired with regards to money. Or maybe more appropriately, with regards to being able to provide for the family.

    It is a man’s responsibility to provide for the family. And when we can’t do that, we go down a rabbit hole of frustration. This frustration sometimes will translate into behavioral changes that we otherwise don’t exhibit.

    If there’s one thing you should know about men, it’s that we have a lot of pride. So much that it can consume you sometimes. So their inability to provide for the family for instance, might translate into harshness and quick temper. I’m not sure whether what I’m saying makes any sense at all, or if I’m saying it in the most comprehensible way possible. This is what does has to do with marriage.

    Whiles it’s not a necessity your partner should be loaded, it is (in my opinion) in everyone’s best interest that your partner makes at least enough money to feel enough and secure in the marriage. Trust me, this will save everyone a shit ton of trouble, tears, and misunderstandings. In most cases, you will not be happy with a partner that is not secure about their finances. And this applies to both men and women alike. I think the security part actually transcends finances to basically anything you can think about. Insecurities manifest in very unpleasant ways.

    Sidetracked a bit. Sorry:)

    Now, spotlight on Love. Is it enough?

    You know the answer is a no. And why’s that?

    When talking about how love is not sufficient to make marriages work, almost everyone refers to the cliche of the wealthiest people on earth not being able to save their marriages with all the money they have. I don’t think a fresh perspective is required in addition to this, right?

    That doesn’t mean love is “overrated”. Far from it. It’s underrated. Especially in today’s society. Not many people marry for love these days. And I get the whole “marry for stability” cliche, but people forget love is part of that stability you seek. You’re looking for someone that’ll stay with you for better or worse. And in “worse” love is what keeps them with you.

    So looking back at the question of which was more important in a marriage between love and money, I say both, and more.

    All images used here are mine

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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