A Girl Named Reshy Starting Her Hive Journey

in voilk •  3 months ago



    Hello, everyone! My name is Reshy, and I am a twenty-two-year-old tourism college student. I have been a self-supporting student since my third year of college. I worked as a part-time ESL tutor in order to provide for my studies because I wanted to lessen the burden of my parents sending us to school. I started doing part-time jobs when I was still in my first year of college. However, I did not last long in my first ESL job because I became sick due to stress and fatigue. Then, I applied again when I was in my third year of college to another ESL company, and fortunately, I got hired. This part-time job is now helping me to send myself to school.


    Actually, I am a business-minded person. My dream is to have my own business someday. In March 2024, I just started a new business called “Happy Trails Camping Tent Rentals." So far, I still have one rental. I understand that this business is seasonal, but this is something I love, and I won’t give it up.


    I come from a family of eight, and I am the fifth daughter. My father is a fisherman, and my mother is a fish vendor. I grew up witnessing the struggles of my parents in order to provide for our daily needs. Life was not easy—even until now, actually. My older siblings did not finish their studies because they had their own families at a young age. Two of them only finished high school, and the other two did not finish high school. As of now, the only people who are studying in our family are me and my younger sister. I am in my last year of college, and she is in her third year. We are both doing well in our studies. At a young age, I am already aware of the poverty we are in. I can still remember the time after a strong typhoon called "Frank," when my father was not able to go fishing because of the typhoon. We were really struggling at that time, and we had no more rice left to cook. The only thing we ate at that time was a grounded coconut. I was still young, but I clearly remember that. I always cry in silence whenever I find my parents in a devastating situation and I can’t help them.


    However, poverty did not stop me from dreaming of a better life for me and my family. It became my motivation to focus and do well in my studies. And thanks to God, I will be graduating this coming May 25, 2024. It was a rough ride, but it was surely worth all the sleepless nights and tired mornings.


    Despite the hardships and challenges that I and my family encountered, we remain a happy and loving family. My father always says, “No matter how hard life becomes, always remember that everything will be fine as long as we’re all hand in hand.” My family is my greatest strength. I could not imagine myself without them.



    I have a lot of hobbies. I love singing. In fact, singing is one of the best stress relievers. I always sing when things get rough because it somehow calms me down. I do not really have a very beautiful singing voice, but I can sing. I inherited my singing voice from my father, who also loves singing. He always sings every Sunday. I think that’s already part of his weekly schedule.

    2023-02-10 (1).jpg



    I also love facial makeup. I started practicing facial makeup in 2019 during the start of the pandemic. It was so boring because of lockdown, so I decided to start a new hobby to enjoy. Fortunately, I managed to master it. This hobby of mine really helped me a lot because I am now earning from it since I am now a freelance makeup artist. Doing makeup is truly a wonderful thing. I get to beautify other people during their special occasions, and seeing them happy with my work motivates me to work harder. Every time I do someone’s makeup, I always take a photo of their face before and after makeup so that I can post it on my Facebook album. That way, I can show my work to other people and gather more clients. Honestly, doing makeup is really tiring, yet also very fulfilling. I always say, “If you love doing it, you will never get tired of it.” I think that’s how it is when you are really passionate about it


    Photo captured from the anime "Dr. Stone"

    Photo captured from the anime "Blue Lock"

    Another hobby that I love is watching Japanese anime movies and series during my free time. Ever since I was a kid, I have loved watching Japanese anime because I was influenced by my cousins. Back then, we did not have television, so I always went to my cousin's house to play and watch TV. They always watch anime, so I also developed a liking for these kinds of movies and series. My favorite anime is Fairy Tail. This anime really taught me the importance of having real and loyal friends around you. Those who will defend you in all the battles you face. This hobby is also my stress reliever, next to singing. I cannot go a day without watching anime in my free time.



    "Photos taken during our HIVE PH Onboarding Webinar last April 7, 2024"

    I joined Hive because a close friend of mine told me about it. But the main person who introduced Hive to me is @jeannmazing. My main reason for joining is to get to know other people, meet new friends, read about other people’s interests, and also contribute to the Hive community by sharing my ideas, interests, and wonderful life happenings. I joined the onboarding webinar on April 7, 2024, together with the other participants, and I learned a lot from it. I discovered how amazing Hive is. It is a really great platform for someone like me who loves to read and write different things. I hope I will be able to inspire people with my stories here in Hive, share the same life experiences, and connect with each other.

    Thank you so much for sparing your time reading this blog. I am looking forward to connecting with you all. Thank you, and have a great day!

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