Where Flowers & Family Bloom

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Good day Hives, Hope you all Having a great day together with your family.


    Today is Family Day which means I have to plan where I will go to bring my family. Did you also plan to bring your family to a dinner date or a quick escape from the city hope you all did because Life is really short we might not predict when, where or how we have time to do it so make the most of it when we have the time to do it.


    So I planned to bring them to Buwakan ni Alejandra in Busay Cebu It is a one hour and 30 minutes travel from Naga City to Balambam. when you ride a motorcycle since a motorcycle can easily pass whenever there's traffic along the way, but be careful since the transcentral highway prepares one for incidents.


    As we reached the peak we saw the beautiful place of Buwakan ni Alejandra, Once I finished paying the fee, We wasted no time and hit the paved pathway to the celebrated flower garden in Balamban, Cebu. at the entrance of Buwakan ni Alejandra greenery welcomed their guest.


    a friendly young man approached me and gave a brief introduction of Buwakan ni Alejandra. From details about their flora to the history of the garden’s name, the guide shared a bunch of fascinating info about the garden.



    **This colourful flower garden is named after the Mother-in-law of Barangay Councilman Eleuterio Gentap. “We called it Buwakan ni Alejandra because you can really see flowers (buwak) in the garden. Alejandra is my mother-in-law. When I first went to her house back in 1991, I noticed she had so many flowers in her garden and had a penchant for collecting them,” said Gentapa. **


    Eleuterio Gentap is the chairperson of the committee on tourism and is the landscaper of Buwakan ni Alejandra. There are more developments to follow in the flower garden which include putting tags on the different species of Flowers, building a gazebo and of course, expansion of the garden.



    While walking towards the garden you will see different kinds of flowers, a bridge that they painted in different colours that give attraction also, also took pictures in the manmade heart covered with flowers.


    We also took a photo of the signage of Buwakan ni Alejandra then We just explored the place.


    They have also now established a place where you will discover the beautiful creatures of God.


    We took pictures of my son on the stairs where you will capture the beautiful clouds, also my wife took a photo taken by our son.



    After that, we also took photos of the mountain and we saw a miniature tree so I decided to put our name on it.


    My son really enjoyed the idea that he wanted to do it himself.

    As a matter of fact, it may be one of the prettier and more picturesque flower farms in Cebu. And, there’s another feature that I like about Buwakan ni Alejandra. From what I’ve found out from the guides, the garden was also built to create a sustainable livelihood for the locals in Gaas, Balamban, and Cebu.


    Not to mention, Buwakan ni Alejandra was created to promote eco-tourism.


    After a long hour exploring the Buwakan ni Alejandra, we decided that we should head home so that we wouldn't reach dark on the road while riding my son requested that we eat since he was hungry.


    So I decided to find a restaurant or a place where we could eat our dinner, after we reached the Highway Restaurant in Brgy Uling, City of Naga Cebu I decided maybe we should try their food there.


    So I parked my motorcycle and headed inside the restaurant while my wife was finding a table or spot I was on my phone because someone was calling at that moment.


    When my wife found a table for us, we immediately ordered food but when I saw the menu the food was a bit pricey but still ordered since we were in the location so we just proceeded to order food.

    We ordered a Chicken inasal and beef steak with soda while we were waiting for our food we noticed that the people eating in the area were rich so I was a bit awkward since we are not the type of people to spend so much for just a dinner.

    So we decided to find another spot away from those people, and thankfully I found a table for three we're facing the mountain so we see the lights in the houses and the fresh air.


    I just think that it's just once so why not? Spend it for my family because they deserved everything and that was the reason why I was working so hard, I may not be the best husband or best father but all I know is I am a man that willing to do everything for the sake of my family's happiness.

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