My little bro👶

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello hivers good day! thank you for reading my last blog and this is now my new blog pls do support me, enjoy reading and thank you so much. This blog is all about my little bro.

    little bro😍

    He is Jay- N Bacarro, and my father named her because the first letter of my mother's name is J and my father is N, so Jay-N but I don't know where's AY are coming from Haha, that sounds funny, right? By the way, he's just 1 year old and 7 months old, but he's able to speak a lot. I don't know why, but maybe because of the environment he's in, he's surrounded by talkative family haha.

    unexpected blessing from above❤️

    I never expected to have this little brother of mine. Imagine my younger brother is 15 years old, and I never knew why this little brother came into our lives. I was so sad before. I was angry with my mother, and I said I didn't want to take care of that child until he grew up. I realized that maybe God gave us this little angel for a thousand of reasons, and now I am starting to like and love him. He brings so much light and happiness into my life.



    He's my stress reliever and the cause of my stress, haha. I want him to buy something new, like a lot of toys, etc. I love all my brothers, but I love him the most. He's super lucky to have a family who loves him. I never heard him calling my name, but he always called me "tate." Haha, thats ate, but that is how he called me. Whenever I go to school early in the morning, he always says, "tate bye, pangping, (amping) or (take care).


    He's my everything, and I don't know how to live a life without him. I like to take pictures of him. I'm the one who will change his diaper every morning, and after school, when I am at home, he always says "tate am-am, which means he's asking for food to eat haha.

    Advantages of having a little bro

    cutiii pieee😍

    You can teach and mentor your little brother, helping you solidify your own knowledge and skills. Having a sibling means you have someone who understands you and can offer emotional support even if they cant understand you.

    The cuteeeeee one

    Growing up together creates a bond built and memories. Taking care of a younger sibling can teach you responsibility and empathy. Sibling relationships often involve playful banter and bonding activities, adding joy to your life.

    I promise✋

    I promise to be always there for your no matter what, please don't grow to fast baby! I know you're just a baby but I love you so much, be good as you grow up, no matter what life may take us I am here for you, you will never understand our situation now but soon you will, when you grow up you will understand that all of our hard works are for our family and to you my dear.

    How lucky you are

    As you enter this world, know that you are surrounded by love, warmth, and endless possibilities. You've entered our lives like a burst of sunshine, bringing joy and laughter to each moment. Your tiny hands and innocent eyes remind us of the beauty in simplicity and the miracle of life itself.

    Will always be here

    I swear to be by your side at every turn as your big sister. With all of my love, I will keep an eye on you, guard you, and lead you. We'll discover the wonders of this world together, from the sparkling stars in the night sky to the soft breeze on a sunny day.

    You may not understand all the words I say right now, but I hope you can feel the depth of my love for you. You are a precious gift to zus , a bundle of joy sent to fill our lives with happiness and meaning. Your laughter is music to our ears, its our happiness my dear.

    As you grow, may you always know that you are cherished beyond measure. May you find courage in times of challenge, strength in moments of weakness, and kindness in every interaction. Your presence in our family is a blessing.


    You may be small, but your impact on our lives is immeasurable. You've brought our family closer together, teaching us the true meaning of unconditional love and selflessness. Your presence is a blessing, and we cherish every moment spent with you. As you grow older, you'll have each other's backs, providing emotional support and encouragement in times of need.

    my love

    Lord, thank you for giving us this little bro thank you for guiding us with your wisdom and grace. Your presence brings comfort in times of need and joy in moments of celebration. We are grateful for your unconditional love and the blessings you bestow upon us each day. May your light continue to shine upon our path, guiding us towards peace, love, and enlightenment please help him to be a good person as he grow up.

    I love you baby!

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